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Uterine Position
Anteverted Anteflexion Retroverted Retroflexed

Anteverted Uterus

is one in which the uterus is tipped forward toward the front of the abdomen. The most common uterine position.

Anteflexion Uterus

occurs when the body and fundus of the uterus flex forward at the cervix.

Retroverted Uterus

When the uterus points upward, towards the head.

Retroflexed Uterus
A retroflexed uterus flexes backward at the cervix, the lower part of the uterus, so that the body and fundus point towards the back. The uterus may also tilt more toward the right or left.

1 retroflexion 2 retroversion normal position of the uterus

Anteflexed Uterus

Anteflexed and retroflexed uteruses will become retroverted as pregnancy progresses, and will likely return to their original position after childbirth.

Types of Pelvis
Android Anthropoid Gynecoid Platypelloid


!male" pelvis The pubic arch forms an acute angle, making the lower dimensions of the pelvis extremely narrow. A fetus may have difficulty exiting from this type of pelvis.

Ant ropoid

!ape#like" pelvis Transverse diameter is narrow and the anteroposterior diameter of the inlet is larger than normal. $oes not accomodate a fetal head as well as a gynecoid pelvis.


!female" pelvis %as an inlet that is well rounded forward and backward and a wide pubic arch. &deal for child birth.


!flattened" pelvis 'elvis has smoothly curved oval inlet but the anteroposeterior diameter is shallow. A fetal head might not be able to rotate to match the curves of the pelvic cavity.

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