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Quiz #4

Show ALL work, provide answers with appropriate units, and simplify answers as far as possible! Modified Problem 8-29. A block of mass m = 1 !k"# is released from res$ o% a fric$io%less i%cli%e of = & '. (elo) $*e block is a s+ri%" $*a$ ca% be com+ressed . 1 !m# b, a force of 1 !N#. -*e block mome%$aril, s$o+s )*e% $*e s+ri%" is com+ressed a dis$a%ce d. -*e dis$a%ce from $*e block.s res$ +osi$io% $o $*e rela/ed +osi$io% of $*e s+ri%" is .1 !m#. Assume g = 1 !m0s2#. (a) 1alcula$e $*e speed of $*e block 2us$ as i$ $ouc*es $*e s+ri%". 31 +$4 (b) 5i%d $*e spring deflection d. 31 +$4 (c) 6*a$ are $*e greatest speed 32 +$s4 of $*e block a%d $*e ma"%i$ude of $*e acceleration 31 +$4 )*e% s+eed is a ma/imum7


Quiz #4

Show ALL work, provide answers with appropriate units, and simplify answers as far as possible! Modified Problem 8-28. -arza% is seeki%" $o im+ress *is %e) "irl 9a%ice )i$* *is :i%e-s)i%"i%" +ro)ess. -arza% )ei"*s W=1 !N# a%d *as a :i%e of le%"$* L = 1 !m# a$ *is dis+osal. -*e accelera$io% of 2 "ra:i$, is g = 1 !m0s #. (a) ;f *e )a%$s $o *a:e a :eloci$, v = 1 !m0s# a$ $*e bo$$om +oi%$ of *is s)i%" 3*e s$ar$s from res$4< fi%d $*e height abo:e $*e bo$$om +oi%$ *e %eeds $o s)i%" from7 31 +$4

(b) -arza% reall, )a%$s $o im+ress 9a%ice b, e/ecu$i%" a =loo+-de-loo+> )i$* *is :i%e. 6*a$ potential energy difference e/is$s be$)ee% $*e $o+ a%d bo$$om +oi%$s of *is fli"*$7 31 +$4

(c) -arza% fi"ures *e ca%%o$ lau%c* *imself )i$* a s+eed "rea$er $*a% 1? !m0s# from $*e cliff. ;f *e )a%$s $o e/ecu$e *is loo+-de-loo+< a$ )*a$ height 3abo:e $*e bo$$om of $*e s)i%"4 mus$ *e s$ar$ so $*a$ *e ca% reac* $*e $o+ of $*e circle )i$* a slack :i%e7 3& +$s4


Quiz #4

Show ALL work, provide answers with appropriate units, and simplify answers as far as possible! Modified Problem 8-41. A% ob2ec$ of mass m = 1 !k"# e/+erie%ces co%ser:a$i:e force )i$* a +o$e%$ial e%er", of $*e fu%c$io%al form U(x) = -1 xe -x01 !9#. A$ +osi$io% x = ? !m#< i$ *as ki%e$ic e%er", 2 !9#. (a) 6*a$ is $*e $o$al mechanical energy of $*e s,s$em7 31 +$4

(b) 6*a$ are $*e lar"es$ a%d smalles$ positions $*e ob2ec$ ca% reac*7 32 +$s4

(c) 6*a$ is $*e speed of $*e ob2ec$ )*e% i$ is a$ x = 2 !m#7 31 +$4

(d) 6*a$ is $*e acceleration of $*e ob2ec$ )*e% i$ is a$ x = & !m#7 31 +$4

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