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Title: Development of new feature for a web application About application: YOnC.

in (Your on-line campus) is a web based interface, launched by a group of IIT-IIM graduates, which aims to provide an 24X7 online ecosystem to an institute thereby enabling easy communication with each of the key stakeholders viz. students, faculty, alumni and administrators. By way of implementing YOnC, an educational institute can take all their communication online. We have various features like discussion boards, notice boards, online course webs, placement, etc which facilitate this. Description: Need to work on end to end life cycle of a web application module development starting from requirement mapping. Robust design to enable seamless integration with existing application as well other upcoming applications. Strict coding standards.

Benefits: Provides good opportunity to understand and learn the current industry practices. Provides hands on experience on latest technologies used in web application development.

Team Size: 1-3 Duration: Approx. 80-120 Man Hrs. (depends on topic) Topics: Poll feature, Integration with Moodle, Calendar feature, Online quiz builder etc. Required Skills: Good knowledge of OOPS concepts Working knowledge of Core JAVA Basic knowledge of J2EE architecture Java/J2EE Struts, Hibernate, Spring MySQL Eclipse, MySQL workbench Tomcat (App server), Maven (Build tool)

Technology Framework Database Tools Others

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