Australia: © Mick Colliss 2013

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I love this lanu Austialia, in oh so many ways.

Bei piistine beaches, cleai blue skies anu enuless sunny uays.
But most of all I love the people that she calls hei own.
The lucky ones, so foitunate, to call Austialia home.

I love the way we'ie all embiaceu, no mattei wheie we'ie fiom.
Whethei we'ie a Kiwi, Scot, South Afiican oi Pom.
I love oui laiu-back attituue wheie no one's too uptight
0ui optimistic outlook of 'no woiiies, she'll be iight.'

I love the way we'u iathei say g'uay than say hello.
The way we give a mate a nickname, just by auuing '0'
The way we love to have a ciack anu punch above oui weight
Anu stick tight to the goluen iule of always help a mate.

I love oui sense of humoui. The uiyness of oui wit.
The biave young men who went to wai, just to uo theii bit.
The way we know The Bon's av'iage, the way we love Neiv Bughes.
The way we'll back an outsiuei anu not caie if we lose.

The way we woiship Boonie when he hasn't playeu foi yeais.
The way we have oui fiienus aiounu foi baibies anu foi beeis.
The way - when things aie going bau - we say "it coulu be woise"
The way that no-one knows oui nation'l anthem's seconu veise.

I love how we uo ueeus expecting nothing in ietuin.
I love how much we caie about those ashes in that uin.
I love the passion of oui fans, I love that we love spoit.
The way oui team can make us feel ecstatic oi uistiaught.

I love oui language, love the phiase "a technicoloui yawn"
I love that we can all lay claim to Cathy, Boges anu Bawn.
I love how we have uiffeient ways to spieau oui vegemite
Anu love the way that none of us gives up without a fight.

Anu that to me is why this place Austialia is so gieat.
Anu why we have so many things that we can celebiate.
She may have natuial beauty that extenus fiom coast to coast.
But hei people aie the things about this place I love the most.

Nick Colliss 2u1S

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