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UNIT 3 Organisations and Behaviour

2010 Specification

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Learning Outcomes LO1 Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture L 2
Understand different approaches to management and leadership

Assessment Criteria 1.1 compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture 1.2 explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business 1.3 discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work 2.1 compare the effectiveness of different leadership st!les in different organisations 2.2 explain how organisational theor! underpins the practice of management 2.3 evaluate the different approaches to management used b! different organisations 3.1 discuss the impact that different leadership st!les ma! have on motivation in organisations in periods of change 3.2 compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace 3.3 evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theor! for managers ".1 explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations ".2 discuss factors that ma! promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organisations ".3 evaluate the impact of technolog! on team functioning within a given organisation.

Evi ence



Understand wa!s of using motivational theories in organisations

Information guide

Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations


Introduction #ou are a management consultant and have been asked to prepare and present a variet! of information on the structure and organisation of local businesses in the $alencia region. %he &anaging 'irector( of the business !ou are consulting for( is concerned that his worker productivit! and the )ualit! of the product*service the! provide have become worse. +e has asked !ou to develop a strateg! to improve the situation #ou can assume that the &anaging 'irector and the other ,oard members have a basic knowledge of organisations and behaviour. %he focus of !our investigations can be an! medium si-ed businesses in the area but it ma! be advisable to use businesses that !ou are familiar with e.g. La .alderona and .ambridge +ouse .ommunit! .ollege.

#ou will produce an individual written report for this assignment. %he report should be approximatel! 2000 words and presented in formal report st!le.


UNIT !" Organisations and Behaviour Assessment #" Organisational Structure and Culture Assessment $erio ! wee"s

Learning Outcome" LO# Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture Unit Assessment Criteria" 1.1 compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture 1.2 explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business 1.3 discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work TAS% BRIE& Tas' # This task addresses LO1- 1.1/1.2/1.3

Produce a report that can #e used to e$plore the organisational structure and culture in %a Calderona and&or Cam#ridge 'ouse Communit( College) Please include sections on the following

#( There are a variet( of organisational structures availa#le to an organisation) *ou need to e$plain a#out these structures&cultures and show where the( are similar and how the( are different) +nsure that (ou e$plain what organisational structure and culture e$ists at %a Calderona and Cam#ridge 'ouse Communit( College) )#(#* #(+, +( %oo" at the factors associated with individual #ehaviour and discuss how the( influence an individual,s #ehaviour at wor") )#(!,


UNIT !" Organisations and Behaviour Assessment + -anagement Theor( Assessment $erio . wee"s

Learning Outcome" L-+ Understand different approaches to management and leadership Unit Assessment Criteria" +(# compare the effectiveness of different leadership st(les in different organisations +(+ e$plain how organisational theor( underpins the practice of management +(! evaluate the different approaches to management used #( different organisations Intro uction
%he &' of the business*Owner of the school have looked at the information !ou provided concerning organisational structure and culture and have asked !ou to include additional sections in !our report on management theor!.

Tas' .rie/ T0is tas' a resses L-+ 1 +(#* +(+ an +(!

Ta"e part in an interview with the -anaging /irector 0(our teacher1) +$amine and compare different approaches to management and leadership theories of t2o organisations) Please include sections on the following #( Compare the effectiveness of the various leadership st(les with regards to how the leader plans2 organises2 commands2 co3ordinates and controls their su#ordinates as well as loo"ing at how the leader&manager uses their power2 authorit( and responsi#ilit(2 whether the( delegate and how the( deal with conflict) )+(#, +( +$plain how management theories relate to2 and influence2 the actual practice of management in the real world) )+(+, !( +valuate the different approaches to management emplo(ed #( %a Calderona and Cam#ridge 'ouse Communit( College) 4hich organisational theories are most in evidence5 'ow do the( approach the functions of management and managerial roles5 'ow does the organisation use managerial authorit(5 )+(!, *ou report should #e #etween #+--3#4-- words)


UNIT !" Behaviour Organisations and

Assessment !" -otivational Theories Assessment $erio . wee"s

Learning Outcome" L-! Understand wa(s of using motivational theories in organisations Unit Assessment Criteria" !(# discuss the impact that different leadership st(les ma( have on motivation in organisations in periods of change !(+ compare the application of different motivational theories within the wor"place !(! evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theor( for managers Introduction
/enior managers have expressed to !ou that a big part of the problem at the business is the lack of clear leadership and poor motivation in the workplace. 0n attempt to rectif! this problem !ou have been asked to carr! out relevant research and present the following information as a guide for new middle managers.

#our guide will be approximatel! 900 words(

Task 3 This task addresses 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

1roduce an information guide that examines the relationship between motivational theories. 1lease include sections on the following2

#( 6s we saw in tas" 7 leadership st(les var( greatl() *ou need to discuss how having leaders with the various st(les would impact on the motivation of the wor"ers) %oo" at the leadership traits and management st(le2 the contingenc( approach to organisational theor( as well as the organisational culture of the #usiness) Show how effective leadership can lead to successful change in organisations) )!(#, +( +$plain the motivational theories of -aslow2 'er8#erg2 -c9regor and :room and compare how well their theories can #e applied in the wor"place) Secondl(2 choose one of these theories and evaluate how useful it would #e for managers) *our evaluation needs to show a deeper understanding of the chosen theor( and (our opinions of its usefulness need to #e ;ustified) )!(+ an !(!,



Organisations and Behaviour

Assessment 5" Team wor" and 9roup /(namics Assessment $erio . wee"s

Learning Outcome L0! Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations "nit #ssessment $riteria !.1 explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations !.2 discuss factors that ma! promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organisations !.3 evaluate the impact of technolog! on team functioning within a given organisation.

Intro uction
Both organisations are of a si8e where emplo(ees need to wor" together to achieve the o#;ectives of the #usiness2 management wants (ou to investigate this area and report #ac" to them as soon as possi#le) *ou will prepare a PowerPoint presentation with supporting notes for this assignment) *our PowerPoint must #e no more than #- s6i es) *ou must also read widel( around each topic as (ou will #e as"ed <uestions during (our presentation which will for a part of the assessment)

Tas' # T0is tas' a

resses 5(#75(+75(!

Produce a presentation that shows how organisations can encourage effective teamwor" amongst their wor"ers) Consider the following

#( In (our e$planation of groups show the difference #etween groups and teams and informal and formal groups) 4hat is the purpose of teams and how are people selected to ;oin them5 Using Bel#in=s theor( amongst others e$plain the importance of related issues such as team roles2 team #uilding2 development2 identit( and lo(alt( etc) )5(#, +( The development of teamwor" within an organisation is influenced #( a range of factors2 some of which promote effective teamwor" and others which inhi#it it) /iscuss the issues (ou loo"ed at for the first section of the presentation and others such as team d(namics2 d(sfunctional teams2 commitment to shared #eliefs and group cohesiveness and sa( how important the( are for the effective development of teamwor" within organisations) )5(+,

!( Technological advancements have impacted greatl( on #usinesses and societ( as a whole) +valuate the impact that technolog( has had on team functioning within eit0er %a Calderona or Cam#ridge 'ouse Communit( College) Specificall( consider the impact it has had on the organisations communication s(stems2 its networ"s and virtual teams and also the impact it has had&would have if the #usiness went through a period of change) )5(!,

To o%tain a &ass 'ou will need to achieve the (ollowing criteria Learning Outcome 1 "nderstand the relationship %etween organisational structure and culture 1.1 compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture

1.2 explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business 1.3 discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work Learning Outcome 2: Understand different approaches to management and leadership 2.1 compare the effectiveness of different leadership st!les in different organisations 2.2 explain how organisational theor! underpins the practice of management 2.3 evaluate the different approaches to management used b! different organisations Learning Outcome 3 "nderstand wa's o( using motivational theories in organisations 3.1 discuss the impact that different leadership st!les ma! have on motivation in organisations in periods of change 3.2 compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace 3.3 evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theor! for managers Learning Outcome 4: Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations 4.1 explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations 4.2 discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organisations 4.3 evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organisation.

To o%tain a )erit 'ou will need to achieve the (ollowing criteria as well as meeting all the re*uirements (or a &ass

0dentif! and appl! strategies to find appropriate solutions /elect*design and appl! appropriate techni)ues

1resent and communicate appropriate findings

To o%tain a +istinction 'ou will also need to meet these criteria. Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and 3ustif! valid conclusions. %ake responsibilit! for the management and organisation of activities 'emonstrate convergent*lateral*creative thinking

Sources o/ researc0 must .e Harvar Re/erence an sources 2it0in t0e te8t as a99ro9riate( Consu6t Stu ent 0an .oo' /or gui ance on Harvar re/erencing(
,upport materials Te-t%ooks /ufficient librar! resources should be available to enable learners to achieve this unit. 1articularl! relevant texts are2

,rooks 0 4 Organisational Behaviour !ndividuals "roups and Organisation 2nd #dition 51rentice +all( 2 36 0/,72 8999812:; +uc-!nski < and ,uchanan ' 4 Organisational Behaviour$ %n !ntroductory &ext 51rentice +all( 2 6 0/,72 293:;1 21 &accob! & 4 'hy 'ork$ (otivating and )eading the *ew "eneration 5/imon and /chuster( 7ew #ork( 1==86 0/,72 :91"9281> 5Outlines the changing nature of the workplace and categorises people into five t!pes( giving the characteristics and sources of motivation and demotivation of each.6 &ullins L 4 (anagement and Organisational Behaviour +th #dition 51itman 1ublishing( London( 1===6 0/,72 293:;1"91 ?obbins / 4 #ssentials of Organisational Behaviour 4th #dition 51rentice +all 0nternational( 2 36 0/,72 ;8282 9;8

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