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Ateneans Rule

By VR Vilvar I love being an Atenean not just for the title but because it is so much fun. Even if there were things I dont like in Ateneo there are things I do love about the Ateneo. I am proud of the school itself as in the building because it holds so much history plus I have been here since Prep now since I am Grade 7 so I pretty much know the place by heart. I also am proud of the activities that the school provides for the students. Even if the school provides the best activities I am happy to share them with my friends and classmates. If it wasnt for my friends and classmates I would have absolutely no fun at all, like during the fair my friends and I were in line for the Octopus and it started to rain we started singing Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus and we even sang while riding the Octopus (especially me) then almost everyone in line started singing. Another thing that I am proud of is the personel and the staff. Since I have been in the Ateneo for long time most of the vendors know me, even what I want to order. Like if want to buy a drink I just have to go in front of the vendor and they already know what I want. A lot of people love playing . . . so do I which is why I am also proud of how wide the structure is built around and inside the school. It is like perfect for playing games (or causing trouble). When I was Prep the playing field was the playground and it stayed like that until Grade 3 when we started to plat near the Fermin Hall. Another Thing that I like and proud of is my Crossing Over. I loved the songs and the practices (the songs actually made me cry). Although I will soon leave the Ateneo, what I will be most proud of is the fun and unforgettable memories I had studying here.

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