Ujian Praktek Bahasa Inggris

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Promise Hope Satisfaction and dissatisfaction Giving and asking opinion Believe and Disbelief One day, the

teacher, Mrs. Serda, ask st dents in class !"B# to tell $hat they $ant to be in the f t re and the reason $hy. %he st dents begin to go in front the class one by one. & nita and Silvana chatting abo t it. & nita ' Hey, $hat do yo $ant to be in the f t re( Silvana ' Hmmm, ) $ant to be a psikolog. Ho$ abo t yo (

& nita ' Me( ) think abo t being a doctor. Silvana ' Doctor( ) can*t believe yo $ant to be it. ) think yo $ant to become a $riter+

& nita ' ,ell, ) consider it too b t ) find being a doctor is better. B t yo kno$, ) am not satisfied $ith the health facility here. )t*s lack of.. anything+ Silvana ' ) think so too. %he hospital is so dirty and smells bad.

& nita ' &eah, $hat do yo think abo t it( Silvana ' ) think it*s not good for sick people. %hat*s $hy ) $ant to come back here after my st dy. ) $ant to make this to$n better+ & nita ' Hmmm, then )*ll follo$ yo too+ Silvana ' -eally(+

& nita ' &eah, ) promise )*ll come back here and help yo to make this to$n better+ Silvana ' %hat*s good. .h, ) hope $e $on*t have any obstacle in o r life and st dy.

& nita ' ) hope so too. So $e can do $hat $e $anted to do. Silvana ' &eah.

%hen, Mrs. Serda call Silvana to speak. She go front and speak abo t $hat she $ant to be and her plan for the f t re.

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