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1,what is the #1 #2 and #3 most popular desktop OS in the world? #1:windows #2:OSX #3: Ubuntu 2. what desktop OS is Google beginning to develop? Chrome OS 3. What is the #1 #2 and #3 most popular mobile OS in the world? #1:Android #2:IOS #3:Windows 4.What mobile OS did the Chinese government just launch? COS (Chinese os System) 5.What is currently the fastest type of hard disk (HDD) available? SSD (Solid State Drive) 6.What is currently the fastest type of RAM memory available? DDR3 7. Who invented FireWire ports?why did FireWire die? Sony and Apple. it died because the USB was released and it's hard to us 8.Why is HDMI better than DVI and/or VGA ports? HDMI is better than DVI or VGA because it can sent both audio and video 9.Who invented blu-ray? What was the other DVD standard that blu-ray kille that many people thought is better than blu-ray? Sony invented blu-ray. HD-DVD. 10.What country is Samsung from?LG? Oppo? Asus?Acer? HP? Intel? Sony? Appl Facebook? Twitter? Samsung,LG-Korea Oppo-China Asus, Acer-Taiwan Sony-Japan Apple,Google,Facebook,Twitter,Intel,HP- USA 11.Why did DuckDuckGo search engine grow so quickly during 2013? DuckDuckGo search engine grow so quickly because it provides the anonymi it never save the user's information. 12.Who is the American man currently hiding from the US government in Russ many secret document? Edward Snowden 13.What are the 5 most popular web browsers in the world? Google Chrome, Internet Explore, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera

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