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Caroline A.

Daudlin 781 Whittier Rd. Grosse Pointe, M 48!"# "1".$"#.!7##

%D&CA' () *ohn Carroll &ni+ersit, &ni+ersit, -ei.hts, (/AC-%0(R (1 2C %)C% ) /&2 )%22 ADM ) 2'RA' () %34ected Graduation5 Ma, !#14 Major5 Mar6etin. Rele+ant Courses5 Ad+ertisin., Consu7er /eha+ior, Mar6et Anal,sis, Multinational Mar6etin., %n+iron7ent o8 /usiness, Princi4les o8 Accountin. 9 , /usiness 1inance, Macroecono7ics, Microecono7ics, /usiness 2tatistics, /usiness Co77unications, Mana.e7ent n8or7ation 2,ste7s W(R: %;P%R %)C%
1athead, Detroit, M MAR:%' )G )'%R) &4loaded 4##= 4roducts onto the 1athead.co7 >e?site Created ?rand associated co4, descri?in. ne> 4roduct lines Colla?orated >ith the %7ail 'ea7 to create standout 4ro7otional e7ails Anal,@ed 4ro7otional e7ail re+enue and con+ersion rates to enhance sales (r.ani@ed dail, tas6s in an %3cel 24readsheet Ma, !#1"<Dec. !#1"

Auic6en 0oans, Detroit, M -&MA) R%2(&RC%2 R%CR& ' )G )'%R) Ma, !#1!<Au.. !#1! Conducted 1$#= initial 4hone screens and inter+ie>s &sed jo? ?oardsBnet>or6in. resources to identi8, candidates 8or +arious 4ositions in the co74an, Co77unicated >ith 'ea7 0eaders a?out hirin. needs /uilt and 7aintained relationshi4s >ith candidates to ensure a 4ositi+e e34erience 2hado>ed tea7 7e7?ers in +arious de4art7ents to learn the 7ost e88icient >as to conduct ?usiness

0%AD%R2- P A)D '%AMW(R: %;P%R %)C%

A7erican Mar6etin. Association, &ni+ersit, -ei.hts, (C C% PR%2 D%)' (1 C(MM&) CA' ()2BADC%R' 2 )G *an. !#1!<Dec. !#1" %nhance educational o44ortunities 8or 8uture ?usiness leaders throu.h acti+ities and case co74etitions Pro+ide net>or6in. o44ortunities >ith local e3ecuti+es to enhance internshi4 and 8ull<ti7e o44ortunities ncreased 1all !#1" 7e7?ershi4 $#D throu.h ad+ertise7ent and >ord o8 7outh :a44a Al4ha 'heta 2ororit,, &ni+ersit, -ei.hts, (2e4t. !#11<Present MAR:%' )GBP&/0 C R%0A' ()2 C(MM ''%% 2e4t. !#11<Present M%M/%R D%C%0(PM%)' C(MM ''%% Au.. !#1!<Present R%CR& 'M%)' C(&)2%0(R A4ril. !#1"<2e4t. !#1" Colla?orate >ith 7e7?ers to coordinate Mr. &ni+ersit, 'alent 2ho>B'heta '>ist 9 'ie that hosts 1##= .uests, raisin. E!,###= 8or a 4hilanthro4, or.ani@ation Meet to discuss disci4linar, actions to 4ro7ote desired ?eha+ior a7on. the sororit, Counseled !4 4ros4ecti+e Gree6 0i8e 7e7?ers throu.h 1or7al 2ororit, Recruit7ent )et>or6 8or 2uccess F*ohn Carroll &ni+ersit,G, &ni+ersit, -ei.hts, (2e4t. !#11 H Present C(MM ''%% M%M/%R Ad+ise and train 8#= students ho> to conduct e88ecti+e ele+ator s4eeches 8or net>or6in. e+ents /oler 2chool o8 /usiness, &ni+ersit, -ei.hts, (*an. !#1" H Present /(0%R AM/A22AD(R Pro+ide tours o8 the *ohn Carroll &ni+ersit,Is /oler 2chool o8 /usiness to 4ros4ecti+e students Mentor 8resh7en ?usiness 7ajors on their /oler 2chool o8 /usiness e34eriences

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