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English 9 Mr. Busick Animal Farm Quiz #1 (Chapters 1 and 2) DI EC!I"#$% &ns'er each (uesti)n in a c)*plete sentence.

I+ ,)u d) n)t- ,)u 'ill n)t recei.e +ull credit. 1. /h) is the )'ner )+ the +ar*0 2. /hat is the na*e )+ the +ar*0 1. /hat is the na*e )+ the character that had a drea*0 2. /hat kind )+ ani*al is the )ne sp)ken )+ in (uesti)n #20 3. /hich ani*als are the s*artest )nes )n the +ar*0 4. #a*e +i.e things that ani*als are t) d) i+ the, ).erthr)' *an.

5. /h) are #ap)le)n- $n)'6all- and $(uealer0 7. /hat (ualities d) the, each p)ssess0

9. /hat is $ugarcand, M)untain0 18. /h) al'a,s speaks )+ $ugarcand, M)untain0 11. /hat is the i**ediate cause )+ the e6elli)n0 12. /hat are the i**ediate results )+ the e6elli)n0 11. #a*e +i.e )+ the $e.en C)**and*ents.

12. /hat earl, indicati)n d)es "r'ell gi.e t) sh)' that n)t all )+ the ani*als are treated e(uall,0

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