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Goal-Driven UCWbLeadership

Maximizing Individual Contributions to Team Goals

Goal Setting
1. Identify one team goal 2. Draft that goal so that it is SMART 3. Get approval from Lauri, Liz, Matthew, Katie B., or Amanda 4. Write that goal on an index card

Map It!
Create a step-by-step action plan to chart the specific steps it will take to achieve that goal.
Represent this plan visually as a map, flow chart, graphic organizer, etc.

Face Your Inner Demon!

Face Your Inner Demon!

On one side of your index card Create a visual representation of your inner demon that is the biggest threat to the team goal Be sure to name your inner demon (e.g., Jealousy or The Joker) On the other side of your index card Write all the concepts and behaviors you associate with your inner demon Describe what your inner demon feels like

Find Your Antidote!

Find Your Antidote!

In groups, Take turns sharing your inner demon Brainstorm together possible strategies for keeping each inner demon at bay Look for a pattern in the strategies to name each persons antidote (Inner Demon=Jealousy, Antidote=Compliments)

Find Your Antidote!

In groups, Take turns sharing your inner demon Brainstorm together possible strategies for keeping each inner demon at bay Look for a pattern in the strategies to name each persons antidote (Inner Demon=Jealousy, Antidote=Compliments)

Borja Kevin Liz Molly Cynthia Keli Mark Ryan Lauri Kate Katie C Matthew F. Katie B. Amanda Matthew P Brandon Carolyn

Find Your Antidote!

On one side of your index card Create a visual representation of your Antidote for your Inner Demon. Be sure to name your Antidote (e.g., Compliments or Walking) On the other side of your index card Write all the concepts, feelings (physical, emotional, psychologial) and behaviors you associate with your Antidote

Ask for Support!

On index cards, write notes to specific people about how they can support you to face your inner demon administer the antidote achieve the team goal Give the appropriate people your notes.

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