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Government Code, State of California directs Coroner to inq ire into t!e follo"in#$
%& )& ,& +& 1& 3& 0& 5& 8& %/& No '!(sician in attendance& *edical attendance less t!an )+ !o rs& -!erein t!e deceased !as not .een attended .( a '!(sician in t!e )/ da(s 'rior to deat! , or .( P!(sicians Assistant "it!in 0)!rs&& P!(sician na.le to state ca se of deat!& 2no"n or s s'ected !omicide& 2no"n or s s'ected s icide& 4nvolvin# an( criminal action or s s'icion of a criminal act& Related to or follo"in# 6no"n or s s'ected self7ind ced or criminal a.ortion& Associated "it! a 6no"n or alle#ed ra'e or crime a#ainst nat re& 9ollo"in# an accident or in: r( ;'rimar( or contri. tor(, occ rrin# immediatel( or at some remote time<&

%%& Dro"nin#, fire, !an#in#, # ns!ot,, c ttin#, starvation, e='os re, alco!olism, dr # addiction, stran# lation, or as'iration& %)& %,& %+& %1& Accidental 'oisonin# ;food, c!emical, dr #, t!era'e tic a#ents<& Occ 'ational diseases or occ 'ational !a>ards& 2no"n or s s'ected conta#io s disease, constit tin# a ' .lic !a>ard ;all Hepatitis, HIV< All deat!s in o'eratin# room&

%3& All deat!s "!ere a resident !as not f ll( recovered from an anest!etic, "!et!er in s r#er(, recover( room or else"!ere& %0& %5& %8& )/& )%& All deat!s in "!ic! t!e resident is comatose t!ro #!o t t!e 'eriod of '!(sician?s attendance, "!et!er in !ome or !os'ital& 4n 'rison or "!ile nder sentence& All solitar( deat!s& ;@nattended .( '!(sician or ot!er 'erson in 'eriod 'recedin# deat!<& All deat!s of nidentified 'ersons& Recent admission "it! !i' fract re&

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