Poetry Unit

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Poetry Unit

Go to this website http://ettcweb.lr.k12.nj.us/forms/newpoem.htm Each poem is worth 10 points each. 7 completed poems are due 1/31. The rest are due 2/6. The completed booklet is due 2/9 (50 points) You MUST do the following poems: All About Me Poem OR All I Want Biography OR Bio-Poem Dear OR Color My World I Am OR Yes, Thats Me Louder Than You Can Imagine If I were In Charge of the World Wishes and Fears

You may choose 8 of any of the other poem forms (For 15 total poems) Copy and paste each poem onto a word document. Word Document Guidelines: o Horizontal Orientation o Create Text Boxes for each poem o When adding a new page, select Page Break o Give each poem an original title o Find an image that represents the poem paste it onto document o Print it out (after it is okd by teacher) Create an original, hand created cover to your book give it an original title. It may not be entitled: _________s Book of Poetry. Write a book summery and author biography for the back of the book. Bind the book. Share the book with one teacher, one student, and one relative. Have them sign and date the inside of the back cover of the book.

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