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Concrete Poem

Directions: Concrete poetry takes on the shape of what the poem is about or the action of the poem. You have been shown several different examples of concrete poetry. Keep those examples in mind when you create your own concrete poem. Take a vivid memory or take your current hobby/interest and turn it into a concrete poem. Your poem should contain the poetic elements listed below as well as being creative and attractive. Since this is a visual poem, great effort should be taken in the design and presentation of your poem. Look below for the rubric requirements. Make sure you have the following (for a total of 35 points): O____/1 Heading (If you want a grade) 1pt. o ___/1 Title1 pt. o ___/5 Format Fitting and appropriate visual representation of the subject matter (what the poem is about)5 pts. o ___/10 Design Obvious care and pride was taken with the artistic design of the poem. Neat and appealing to the eye. No lines used and color used throughout 10 pts. o ___/3 Theme follows the theme of the poem. Takes the poem seriously and puts obvious thought into word choice3 pts. o ___/12 Includes your choice of three different poetic/literary elements (simile, metaphor, alliteration, hyperbole, personification, onomatopoeia, and imagery that appeals to the five senses)12 pts. o ___/3 Proper spelling3 pts.

______/ 35 points total


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