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Santa Fe Yoga Shakti Retreat

Tantra, Mantra & Transforming Karma

Santa Fe NM (USA), August 18-25, 2014
Harmonize your Karmic Life-Play through Vedic Ritual, Mantra and Meditation!

With Pandit Vamadeva Shastri & Yogini Shambhavi

Shakti Yoga empowers our Higher Prana and Inner Self awareness for total well-being and harmony! Join us in celebrating the Power and Divine Grace of the Mother Goddess energy through ancient Vedic teachings understanding our Karmic disposition in life.

Awaken and Nurture the Shakti force within you Explore Tapas, your inner fire through Shakti Sadhana Enhance your Drishti Yoga, the Inner Yoga of Perception Meditation as a Tantric Art of Awakening Shakti within us Tantra as a Spiritual Path for Transformation of Consciousness Tantra as weaving our Prana with the Cosmic Prana (Life-force) Understand your Karmic unfoldment through Vedic Astrology Harmonize your Karmic Lila or Divine Dance through Mantra

Become immersed in the deeper teachings of Vedic and Tantric wisdom, Raja Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedanta in the mysticism of Santa Fe's powerful environs. Enjoy the healing grace of Our lady of Guadalupe amidst the repose of Northern New Mexico's high desert and the lofty Sangre de Cristo Mountains, and explore the culture, arts and crafts of Santa Fe. Explore the 93rd Annual Santa Fe Indian Market, the largest arts and crafts fair of the Natve Americans, August 23-24.

PO BOX 8357, SANTA FE NM 87504, USA


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