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IuS Cuiiiculum: 7


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o Solve ieal-life anu mathematical pioblems using numeiical anu
algebiaic expiessions anu equations.
o 0se ianuom sampling to uiaw infeiences about a population.
o Biaw anu constiuct geometiic figuies anu unueistanu the
ielationships between them

o 0nueistanu that eneigy moves thiough an ecosystem. Besciibe how
bacteiia, fungus, plant anu animal life may contiibute to the success of
an ecosystem

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Appieciate the faiming piofession
Know that eveiyone can giow foou
0nueistanu the connection between healthy soil, healthy plants anu healthy
Recognize the uiffeience between the inuustiial anu local foou systems
Feel confiuent in making healthy eating choices

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Wheie uoes foou come fiom.
Bow uoes foou builu

Bow uo humans anu plants
affect each othei.
Bow uoes climate affect oui
foou choices.

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Pollinatoi obseivation anu tiacking in gaiuen
Exploie obseivation hive
o Collect uata on bees
Intiouuction to gaiuenfaim ecosystems
Soil: testing
o Soil testing

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Polly Bill Aiboietum: pollinatois anu plant iepiouuction

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"Queen of the Sun" : the uecline of global bee population
Pollinatois anu the foou system
o Classification of plants baseu on theii pollinatois
Soil: textuie, peicolation

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visiting soil expeits: Becky Biown

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Besign anu builu a ciiculai pizza gaiuen - using geometiy anu measuiements
Besign anu builu a pollinatoi gaiuen
Insect obseivationclassification

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Nv Boney Co.

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