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Memorandum To: Interested Parties From: Stephen Clermont/Third Eye Strategies Re: Santa Fe Mayor Poll Results

This report is based on findings from a poll of 400 active registered voters who say they are likely to vote in the 2014 municipal election in Santa Fe. rawn from a list of registered voters who have voted in past municipal elections! or have registered recently! interviews were conducted on the nights of "anuary 1#th through 22nd. The sample has a margin of error of $ 4.% percent. &oth cell phones and landline numbers were called. 'ach phone number had an e(ual chance of being called and random selection was made in households with multiple eligible voters. The following summari)es key results from the survey*

As Election Day in Santa Fe draws near and voters get to know the candidates, voters have positive opinions o the three candidates. Voters view Patty ushee most !avora"ly. The !ewest per#entage o! voters view $avier %on&ales un!avora"ly. Mayor 'avid Coss re#eives a strong rating ()*+ !avora"le , -.+ un!avora"le/. !ame "denti ication and Favora#ility o $andidates or Santa Fe Mayor Familiar& %n avora# !o !ot Favora#le le Rating Familiar Patty ushee 01+ -1+ 23+ 23+ $avier %on&ales ill 'imas 03+ 30+ 2)+ -0+ 24+ -.+ -4+ --+

The ra#e !or Mayor is highly #ompetitive. 5 signi!i#ant share remain unde#ided. Coun#ilwoman Patty ushee holds a slim lead that !alls within the margin o! error. $avier %on&ales has a similar slim advantage among those !amiliar with all three #andidates. %on&ales has gained the most support !rom a Third Eye Strategies survey #ondu#ted in 6#to"er. $urrent 'ote (re erence $an Rate All $andidate All 'oters s Patty ushee -7+ -7+ $avier %on&ales ill 'imas 8nde#ided -0+ 24+ 32+ 3-+ 27+ -2+

Third Eye Strategies

Burke Virginia

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A)*%T T+"RD E,E STRATE-"ES, ..$ Third Eye Strategies is an 99C run "y Stephen Clermont. 5 graduate o! the 8niversity o! Cali!ornia at er:eley; Mr. Clermont has wor:ed in the area o! polling and survey resear#h !or nearly -. years at <i#:man= rown Resear#h; Prin#eton Survey Resear#h 5sso#iates; and as resear#h dire#tor o! two nonpro!it politi#al organi&ations. Mr. Clermont has #ondu#ted a variety o! pu"li# opinion polls !or private #lients throughout >ew Me?i#o. For more in!ormation; email Stephen Clermont at s@#lermontAthirdeyestrategies.#om or #all him at (-.-/ )).=44-4.

Third Eye Strategies

Burke Virginia

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