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Topics (Continued)

Part II. Routing Theory and Dynamic Routing Operations Dynamic Routing Operations Routing Metrics Classes of Routing Protocols Convergence Distance Vector Routing Protocols Distance Vector Concepts Distance Vector Network Discovery Simple Split Horizon (Introduction) Distance Vector Network Discovery with Split Horizon Network Discovery FAQs Triggered Updates Routing Loops Count to Infinity Defining a Maximum Split Horizon Split Horizon with Poison Reverse Holddown Timers TTL IPs Time-To-Live Field

Distance Vector Concepts The mathematical basis of the distance-vector routing protocols is the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Pure distance-vector routing protocols suffer from long convergence times and possible temporary routing loops (more in a few moments). There are remedies to some situations that may cause these problems which we will examine in a moment.

Network Discovery and Routing Table Maintenance

Distance-vector-based routing algorithms pass periodic copies of a routing table between adjacent routers, from router to router. (RIP every 30 seconds, IPX RIP every 60 seconds, IGRP every 90 seconds). These regular updates between routers help routers discover each others networks and communicate topology changes. Routers only learn about other networks from adjacent routers, their directly connected neighbors. Router D learned about Router As network from Router C, who learned it from Router B, who learned it from Router A. This is why distance-vector routing protocols are also known as routing by rumor.

Distance-vector routing protocols do not allow routers to know the topology of the network, as they only know how far a network is (distance: hops) and which way to forward the packet (vector: exit interface). (Link-state routing protocols allow routers to see the exact network topology later.) Distances (hops) are cumulative from one router to the next

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