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ASSUNTO, Rosario - Peisajul i estetica BROADNENT & LLORENZ - Semnificaie i comportament n mediul construit CARLON, Jacques; LEBLANC, Linda - Paysage introduction CLEMENT, Giles, Le jardin renvoie une reprsentation du monde, do son succes FRAMPTON, Kenneth - Prospects for a Critical Regionalism GREGOTTI, Vittorio - Il territorio dellarchitettura + La citt visibile LASCU, Nicolae - Funciune i form LYNCH, Kevin - The Image of the City LUCAN, Jacques - Lirresistible ascension des paysagistes MAROT, Sbastien - Lalternative du paysage MEISS, Pierre von - De la forme au lieu/Elements of Architecture MEISS, Pierre von, Tmoignage dun enseignement nr. 4: larchitecture du paysage textes choisis MERLIN, Pierre; CHOAY, Franoise - Dictionnaire de lurbanisme et de lamnagement METAPOLIS DICTIONARY OF ADVANCED ARCHITECTURE MUMFORD, Lewis - The City in History + Arts & Technique NESSBIT, Kate - Theorizing architecture PEVSNER, Nikolaus - A History of Building Types PLEU, Andrei - Peisaj i melancolie ROSSI, Aldo - Architettura della citt
ROWE Colin & KOETTER Fred - Collage City

RYKWERT, Josef - The Idea of a Town SCULLY, Vincent - The Natural and the Manmade
VENTURI, SCOTT BROWN & IZENOUR - Learning from Las Vegas

WAGENAAR & DINKS - Ideals in Concrete CRESTOMAIE BIBLIOTECA UAUIM: ARGAN, HUET, VON MEISS, ARGAN, ROSSI, VENTURI, SCHUMACHER, ROWE, & KOETTER etc. Dosarul despre Vittorio Gregotti (SOLOMON, Marica, articolele despre Gregotti din revista Arhitext Design; RYKWERT, Josef, monografia Gregotti) Dosarul din bibliotec referitor la ora Cartea Concursului BUCURETI 2000 Revistele Arhitectura 1-/1997 (Bucureti 2000) i 1-2/1998 (PIATA REVOLUIEI)


Textele de mai jos se gsesc la adresa web:

1. Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, A Significance for A&P Parking Lots or Learning from Las Vegas (1968), n Theorizing a new Agenda for Architecture, Kate Nesbitt ed., Princeton Architectural Press. Cambridge Massachusetts, London, England, 1996 2. Bernard Tschumi, Get with the Programme! (1981), n Architecture and Disjunction, MIT Press, 1994 3. Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter, din Collage City (1973), n Architecture Theory since 1968, K. Michael Hays ed., The MIT Press. Cambridge Massachusetts, London, England, 2000 4. Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter, din Collage City (1975), n Theorizing a new Agenda for Architecture, Kate Nesbitt ed., Princeton Architectural Press. Cambridge Massachusetts, London, England, 1996 5. Thomas L. Schumacher, Contextualism: Urban Ideals and Deformations (1971), n Theorizing a new Agenda for Architecture, Kate Nesbitt ed., Princeton Architectural Press. Cambridge Massachusetts, London, England, 1996 6. Rem Koolhaas, Whatever Happened to Urbanism?, din Rem Koolhaas si Bruce Mau, S,M,L,XL , n The City Cultures Reader, Malcolm Miles, Tim Hall, Iain Borden, eds., Routledge, London, 2000 7. Pierre von Meiss, Arhitectura, ora, teritoriu, text pregtit ca fundamentare teoretic pentru proiectul de arhitectur din anul 2/sem.2, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 1990 8. Ana Maria Zahariade, Prin Florena cu gndul la Cluj sau ntrebri despre divergena i convergena dintre spaiul public al filozofului i cel al arhitectului, n Mihali, Ciprian (coordonator), Art, tehnologie i spaiu public, Editura Paideia, pp.113-132, 2003 9. Ana Maria Zahariade, Vechi nscrieri n scrieri: teritoriu i arhitectur 10. Ioana Tudora, Definirea conceptului de peisaj din diverse perspective disciplinare, fragment din referatul de doctorat Arhitectur i reprezentri sociale. Peisaj urban, spaiu i arhitectur - n curs de elaborare. 11. Michel Corajoud, Comment je fais (texte fait en mai 2004 la demande de Carmen Perrin, Artiste, pour un livre sur son travail) 12. Michel Corajoud, Le paysage : une exprience pour construire la ville, Paris, iulie 2003


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