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Classroom Management Plan

Philosophy: This classroom will operate with the understanding that this is a learning environment. All rules and procedures are in place to cultivate and maintain this learning environment to the largest extent possible. A healthy learning environment consists of cooperation between student(s) and teacher(s), cooperation amongst peers, and an understanding of and accommodations for individuals that seek to further their learning experience(s). The rules and procedures are put in place to encourage positive behavior that adds and improves this environment and to discourage inappropriate behavior that takes away from the healthy learning environment. Each student will be treated fairly and will be accommodated to the greatest extent possible. Students that have the privilege to be in an extra-curricular activity (such as band) are held to higher standards in regards to how they carry themselves both in and out of school. The expectations have been set up to appropriately reflect this attitude. Additionally, the consequences and rewards have been set up to do the same and to provide a deeper incentive to meet and exceed the expectations listed above.

Expectations Social Expectations: 1. Before School: a. Students may be in the band hall as long as they are (1) working on homework/studying for class, (2) talking in an indoor voice to their peers, and (3) are seated away from the doors, shelves, and instruments. b. Students may be in the practice rooms warming up, practicing their band music, region music, or solo/ensemble music. c. Students will not be allowed in the band hall until a director has arrived and is in the band hall or their office. (On days that the director is in a meeting, students will not be allowed into the band hall until the free period before first period.) d. Students will only be allowed to do silent activities in the band hall if there is a sectional or any other type of rehearsal taking place. 2. After School: a. Students may be in the band hall as long as they are (1) working on homework/studying for class, (2) talking in an indoor voice to their peers, and (3) are seated away from the doors, shelves, and instruments. b. Students may be in the practice rooms warming up, practicing their band music, region music, or solo/ensemble music. c. Students will only be allowed to do silent activities in the band hall if there is a sectional or any other type of rehearsal taking place. 3. Before Class: a. After students have put their instruments together and their music in rehearsal order, they will be permitted to talk using an indoor voice to their neighbor until the band director steps onto the podium. b. Students will not play their instruments. 4. After Class: a. Students may talk with their neighbor using an indoor voice while they go about putting their instruments away and setting up for the next class. b. Students will not play their instruments. 5. Rehearsals: a. Students will be quiet during rehearsals. b. Students will have their eyes on the conductor at all times. c. Students will raise their hand to answer or ask a question. d. Students will not play unless instructed to. 6. Concerts: a. Students will exercise appropriate audience behavior (silence during the performance, applauding at the end, staying in the concert hall until the end of the performance). 7. Contests/Field Trips: a. Students will follow all band director instructions in regards to the logistics of getting from one place to the next. b. Students will not be allowed to speak when a band director or band parent is addressing them. c. Students will be responsible for their own equipment until told otherwise.

8. Overnight Trips: (All expectations for contests/field trips will be followed, in addition to the following): a. Mixed company (i.e. boys and girls) will not be allowed behind closed doors together unless given permission by a band director or faculty member and are accompanied by two (2) or more adult supervisors (band director, faculty, parent). Academic Expectations: 1. Before School: a. Students will have the opportunity to put their instruments in their previously specified places in the room. 2. After School: a. Students will pick up their instruments to take home for the night and/or the weekend. 3. Before Class: a. Students will enter the room calmly (walking, speaking in an indoor voice). b. Students will place their books and backpacks in the specified place in the room. c. Students will put together their instruments (In all classes but sixth grade: flutes, oboes, and clarinets will be allowed to put their instruments together in their chairs while all other woodwinds and brass players put their instruments together at/near their cubbies/lockers and place the case back in its place before walking to their spot in the ensemble.) d. Students will get their music from their cubbies/lockers and bring it to their chair, place it on the music stand, and put their music in rehearsal order (which will be noted on the board at the front of the classroom). 4. After Class: a. Students will put their instruments away at the same location they put it together. b. Students will put away/add chairs and stands to the setup to prepare for the next class (each setup will be specified and facilitated by the band director). c. When setup is complete, students will gather their belongings and wait for the bell to ring and they are dismissed. 5. Rehearsals: a. Students will play and/or perform any exercise asked of them by the conductor. b. Students will have all necessary supplies with them at their seat in the ensemble (instrument, music, reeds, tuner, pencil, cork grease, slide grease, etc.). 6. Sectionals: a. All students will have mandatory weekly sectionals scheduled for the same date and time each week throughout the grading period. (Exception: teacher meeting; in this case, the teacher will either cancel the sectional altogether or reschedule, joining the section with another sectional occurring at a different time.) 7. Practice Time/Homework: a. Students will complete a practice checklist as assigned by the band director. b. Students will complete any other assignments (written, recorded, or otherwise) sent home. 8. Concerts:

a. All students will be required to be in attendance of the band concert in which the ensemble they perform with performs. (Exception: excused absences see band handbook) b. All students will arrive to their call place with instrument(s) assembled, music, and accessories ready, and dressed in proper attire prior to call time. c. Students will stay to watch and listen to the other ensemble(s) performing on the concert. d. Following the concert, students will need to check out with their section leader to ensure that they stayed through the end of the concert. 9. Contests/Field Trips: a. Students will be seated on the floor in sections with their proper attire, instrument(s), music, accessories (mutes, tuner, reeds, swab, etc.) at the designated call time. b. Students will load and unload themselves from the mode of transportation in a calm and mature manner (walking, speaking in an indoor voice). c. Students will follow all rules, procedures, and guidelines set by the establishment to which we travel during our visit.

Consequences/Rewards: Consequences will be distributed as seen fit by the band director(s) based upon the severity of the misbehavior and the number of times the student in question has broken this or other established rules. These consequences may consist of: o A verbal warning from the band director o Putting up their instrument for the class (not being allowed to participate in the playing part of class) o Being moved to a different spot in the room or a different room altogether with an alternative assignment o A phone call made to home by student and/or band director o A trip to the principals/assistant principals office o Exclusion from a performance o Exclusion from a trip o Removal from the activity altogether Rewards will be given based on the meeting and/or exceeding expectations by either individuals or the class as a whole. Rewards may consist of: o Voting in the piece played in rehearsal that day o Drawing a treasure from the treasure chest o Placing a sticker next to the students name o Personal practice time during class

Student Contract

I, __________________________, have read the above set of expectations, consequences, and rewards and I hereby agree to abide by these expectations and understand that if I do not meet them I am subject to the aforementioned consequences.

________________________ (Student Name Printed)

_____________________ (Student Signature)

________________ (Date)

Parent Contract

I, _________________________, have read the above expectations, consequences, and rewards and I hereby acknowledge that my child is subject to the aforementioned consequences if these expectations are not met.

______________________ (Parent Name Printed)

___________________ (Parent Signature)

_______________ (Date)

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