JCM-How It Works

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Mitsubishi U FJ Morgan Stanley

2. JCM -how it works-

);;>JCM is to complement existing Kyoto mechanisms
);;>Japan to provide support in exchange for offset credits to be
used to achieve Japan's emission target.
);;> country can access high-end low-carbon technologies
);;>Contribute to achieving UNFCCC objective through emissions
reduction on global scale.
Ultra super-critical coal power
Geothermal power plant
Energy efficiency technology in
steel , cement etc.
Highly efficient manufacturing
Source: Japanese government presentation
by using IT
Highly efficient eco-driving
REDO+ related technology
. ccs
Mitsubishi U FJ Morgan Stanley
3. JCM -State of Play-
negotiation with potential partner countries
Indonesia and Japan agreed to accelerate negotiation with the aim
of launching JCM in the first half of 2013.
Studies (FY 201 0-2012) and MRV methodology
METI sponsored over 100 studies. 37 projects in Indonesia.
DevekJpment of draft rules and guidelines for
methodology/POD development, monitoring,
validation/verification, etc.

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