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Landolts Blogging Rubric

Student: ____________________________________ Week of: __________________

Target 2 points

Acceptable 1 point Posts show a basic understanding of the topic and are sometimes backed with details. Posts show some evidence of critical thinking. Posts sometimes contain links to other useful sites and additional resources. Posts site resources used in research. Writing style is sometimes clear and easy to understand. There are some grammatical and/or spelling errors. Posts are sometimes made on or before the due date. Comments show a basic understanding of the topic and sometimes contribute to the conversation.

Unacceptable 0 points Posts show only a superficial understanding of the topic and are not backed with details. Posts do not contain evidence of critical thinking. Posts do not contain links to other useful sites and additional resources. Posts do not cite resources. Writing style is hard to follow or understand. There are many grammatical and spelling errors.



Posts always show an understanding of the topic and are backed with details. Posts clearly show evidence of critical thinking. Posts always contain links to other useful sites and additional resources. Posts correctly site resources used in research. Writing style is always clear and easy to understand. There are no grammatical errors.


Writing and Grammar


Posts are always made on or before the due date.

Posts are often late or not submitted.

Comments On Peers Blogs

Comments show an understanding of the topic and always contribute to the conversation.

Comments do not show an understanding of the topic or were not posted. Total Points

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