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RESERVOIRS NORMAL POOL LEVEL maximum elevation to which the reservoir surface will rise during ordinary o erating

g conditions! M"N"M#M POOL LEVEL lowest elevation to which the ool is to $e drawn under normal conditions! #%E&#L %'ORA(E the storage volume $etween the minimum and normal ool level! )EA) %'ORA(E water held $elow minimum ool level! VALLE* %'ORA(E the water in the natural stream channel! %#R+,AR(E %'ORA(E exists only while a flood is occurring and cannot $e retained for later use!

'he water su ly for a city is um ed from wells to a distri$ution reservoir! 'he estimated hourly water re-uirements for the maximum day are as follows! "f the um s are to o erate at a rate. what distri$ution reservoir ca acity is re-uired/

0hat reservoir ca acity is re-uired to assure a yield of 12.333 acre4ft5year for the inflows shown/

0hat yield will $e availa$le if a reservoir of 63.333 acre4ft ca acity is rovided at the site for which the mass curve shown a lies/

Reservoir-site Selection (eneral Rules for choice of reservoir sites7 8! A suita$le dam must exist! 'he cost of the dam is often a controlling factor in selection of a site! 9! 'he cost of real estate for the reservoir :including road. railroad. cemetery. and dwelling relocation; must not $e excessive! 6! 'he reservoir site must have ade-uate ca acity! <! A dee reservoir is refera$le to a shallow one $ecause of lower land costs er unit of ca acity. less eva oration loss. and less li=elihood of weed growth! 2! 'ri$utary areas that are unusually roductive of sediment should $e avoided if ossi$le! >! 'he -uality of the stored water must $e satisfactory for its intended use! 1! 'he reservoir $an=s and ad?acent hillslo es should $e sta$le! #nsta$le $an=s will contri$ute large amounts of soil material to the reservoir! @! 'he environmental im act of the ro osed reservoir must $e studied and made availa$le to the u$lic to ascertain the social acce ta$ility of the ro?ect! Assignment Aerox co y of age 989498@ Answer ro$lems 1!2. 1!>. 1!89

Values of roughness coefficients. n Channel Material Plastic. glass. drawn tu$ing Neat cement. smooth metal Planed tim$er. as$estos i e 0rought iron. welded steel. canvas Ordinary concrete. as halted cast iron #n laned tim$er. vitrified clay +ast4iron i e Rivited steel. $ric= Ru$$le masonry %mooth earth +orrugated metal i e &irm gravel Natural channels in good condition Natural channels with stones and weeds Very oor natural channels n 3!33B 3!383 3!388 3!389 3!386 3!38< 3!382 3!38> 3!381 3!38@ 3!399 3!396 3!392 3!362 3!3>3

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