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Stress Exercises EXERCISE 1: How Vulnerable Are You to Stress

The following test was e!elo"e b# $s#chologist %#le H& 'iller an Al(a )ell S(ith at *oston +ni!ersit# 'e ical Center& Score each ite( 1 ,al(ost alwa#s- to . ,ne!eraccor ing to how (uch of the ti(e each state(ent a""lies to #ou& 1& 0& 2& 3& .& 5& 6& 7& 8& 14& 11& 10& 12& 13& 1.& 15& 16& 17& 18& 04& Total To get #our score/ a u" the figure an subtract 04& An# nu(ber o!er 24 in icates a !ulnerabilit# to stress& You are seriousl# !ulnerable if #our score is between .4 an 6. an extre(el# !ulnerable if it is o!er 6.& I eat at least one hot/ balance (eal a a#& I get se!en to eight hours slee" at least four nights a wee1& I gi!e an recei!e affection regularl#& I ha!e at least one relati!e within .4 (iles on who( I can rel#& I exercise to the "oint of "ers"iration at least twice a wee1& I s(o1e less than half a "ac1 of cigarettes a a#& I ta1e fewer than fi!e alcoholic rin1s a wee1& I a( the a""ro"riate weight for (# height& I ha!e an inco(e a e9uate to (eet basic ex"enses& I get strength fro( (# religious beliefs& I regularl# atten club or social acti!ities& I ha!e a networ1 of frien s an ac9uaintances& I ha!e one or (ore frien s to confi e in about "ersonal (atters& I a( in goo health ,inclu ing e#esight/ hearing/ teethI a( able to s"ea1 o"enl# about (# feelings when angr# or worrie & I ha!e regular con!ersations with "eo"le I li!e with about o(estic "roble(s/ e&g& chores/ (one# an ail# li!ing issues& I o so(ething for fun at least once a wee1& I a( able to organi:e (# ti(e effecti!el#& I rin1 fewer than three cu"s of coffee ,tea or cola rin1s- "er a#& I ta1e 9uite ti(e for (#self uring the a#&

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