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Oral Proficiency in English for Secondary Schools (OPS-English) Form 1 School-based Assessment (SBA) Band 1 Descriptor B1 DL1 ntrod!

cing oneself B, DL1 abo!t self( family( friends and interests Evidence B1 DL1 E1 Able to introd!ce oneself !sing s!ggested sentence "atterns B, DL1 E1 Able to as. sim"le /!estions to get information and res"ond a""ro"riately to /!estions on any one of the follo&ing$ Self Family Friends nterests B* DL1 E1 Able to in+ite and acce"t or decline in+itations B* DL, E1 Able to con+ey main ideas and s!""orting details B0 DL1 E1 Able to listen to and ma.e "lans -o go some&here -o do something Unit/Title #nit 1$ %no&ing 'e( %no&ing )o! #nit 1$ %no&ing 'e( %no&ing )o! Page/Activity Page 1*( Acti+ity , (Sho& and -ell) Page 10( Acti+ity 1 (1ot Seat) Evidence of Student Work

B* DL1 n+iting someone to a f!nction thro!gh a con+ersation B* DL, Listening to anno!ncements and instr!ctions and "rocessing information B0 DL 1 ' "lans and arrangements

#nit ,$ 1obbies #nit 0$ Safe and So!nd

Page ,1( Acti+ity * (2arrying O!t the 1obbies) Page 31( Acti+ity , (Pa!se and Practise) Pages 0,-0*( Acti+ity 1 (Let5s Plan a 1oliday) and Acti+ity , (O!r 2lass 1oliday)

#nit *$ 4oing Places

Band 0

Descriptor B0 DL* En/!iring abo!t "rod!cts or ser+ices and re/!esting them B3 DL1 Describing an e+ent8incident and narrating it

Evidence B0 DL* E1 Able to !se 5&h5 /!estions to obtain information abo!t "rod!cts or ser+ices and res"ond a""ro"riately B3 DL1 E1 Able to listen and relay information abo!t an e+ent8incident a"tly

Unit/Title #nit 3$ 'oney 'atters

Page/Activity Page 67( Acti+ity , (Let5s -ry t O!t) Page 113( Acti+ity 1 (1ear: 1ear:)

Evidence of Student Work

#nit 9$ Fit as a Fiddle

B1DL,( B0DL,( B6DL1(not incor"orated)

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