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44 Chapman Street Wakari DUNEDIN 9010 January 29th 2014 Dear Students and Parents/Care i!

ers "# $""m % Chi&dren We&'"me t" (a&ma'e)en Intermediate and $""m %* +"u are set #"r a ,usy- 'ha&&en in and e.'itin year as a +ear % pupi& and #"r y"ur #irst year at intermediate/ S"me "# y"u may ha!e had #ami&y mem,ers pass thr"u h the s'h""& "r y"u may ,e the #irst "ne #r"m y"ur #ami&y t" attend0 either )ay I am sure y"u )i&& th"r"u h&y en1"y y"ur time at BalMac/ It is a&)ays ni'e t" hear a &itt&e a,"ut y"ur ne) tea'her- s" here it is* I ha!e ,een tea'hin at (a&ma'e)en Intermediate #"r % years- I am the Dean "# the +ear % r"up and and a,s"&ute&y think this s'h""& is the ,est in Dunedin* I ha!e tau ht in a num,er "# s'h""&s- (r"ad (ay Primary- 2e Puke Intermediate and primary s'h""&s in 3"nd"n/ I ha!e a ,usy &i#e "utside "# s'h""&/ 4y s"n is 5 and attends 4"rnin t"n Primary S'h""& )here I am "n the ("ard "# 2rustees- and my t)" step 'hi&dren " t" 6in s 7i h S'h""& and 8ta " 9ir&s 7i h S'h""&/ 4y )eekends are #i&&ed )ith "in t" the p""& )ith my s"n- "in t" the ym- p&annin my ne.t "!erseas ad!enture- p&annin ""d #""d t" eat and s'h""& )"rk* 2" the Parents: I rea&&y &""k #"r)ard t" meetin ea'h and e!ery "ne "# y"u rea&&y s""n and esta,&ishin a p"siti!e )"rkin h"me;s'h""& re&ati"nship/ <s I am sure y"u kn") that i# h"me and s'h""& are )"rkin )e&& t" ether then m"re pr" ress 'an ,e made/ I h"pe t" see y"u a&& "n Meet the teacher evening- Wednesday =th >e,ruary %pm/ 4"re detai&s t" #"&&") s""n/

<n"ther imp"rtant dates #"r y"ur diary is $""m %?s 'amp* We are headin "## t" Waih"&a #"r "ur @ day 'amp and )"u&d &"!e y"u t" attend in any 'apa'ity that y"u 'an/ We depart "n Wednesday 12th Mar'h return ,y @pm "n Friday 14h March. 4"re detai&s )i&& ,e i!en "ut at meet the tea'her e!enin / We are a&s" ha!in a ,ea'h edu'ati"n trip at St/ C&air "n 1@ th >e,ruary- !isitin 2"itu "n 19 th >e,ruary and )a&kin the Pineapp&e 2ra'k 20 th >e,ruary and reAuire parent he&p #"r a&& "# these trips- s" i# y"u 'an he&p- p&ease &et me kn")/ I &""k #"r)ard t" meetin y"u s""n- ,ut p&ease et in t"u'h "r p"p in and say hi pri"r t" the meet the tea'her e!enin /

With kind re ards Beth Downie B4sC ,d")nieD,a&ma'e)en/s'h""&/nE

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