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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

STANDARDS: THEME: LESSON TOPIC: Spanish Numbers and Colors OBJECTIVES: Language:
The students will be able to speak the Spanish words and use them in class discussion

The students will be able to identify numbers one through five in Spanish The students will be able to identify the colors red, orange, yellow, green and blue in Spanish

LEARNING STRATEGIES: repetition, modeling, guided practice, group work KEY VOCABULARY: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, rojo, naranja, amarillo, verde, azul MATERIALS: chalkboard, crayons, worksheet, objects around the classroom, word cards MOTIVATION:
(Building background) Thet teachers will ask the students if they have ever heard of Spanish. Natasha will speak some Spanish words such as: school, recess, snack (other important words to Kindergarteners). The teachers will write the objectives on the board and will explain that today we are going to learn numbers 1-5 and colors of the rainbow in Spanish. First, the teachers will review the colors and numbers in English. "Someone hold up two fingers for us" "Who can take out their red crayon for us" for the numbers 1-5 and all colors that are to be taught in Spanish.

(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback) After building background, the teachers will explain that the students have to listen very carefully to the teachers because they will hear words that they might not know and they have to use listening ears to learn the words. Becca will say "one," Natasha will say "uno." The children will hold up one finger and say "uno." This will continue for the numbers 1-5. The teachers will then review all five numbers in order, while the students are holding up their fingers indicating 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. The teachers will then say that we are going to learn the colors red, orange, yellow, green and blue in Spanish. Becca will say "red," and Natasha will say "rojo." While saying red, Becca will hold up a piece of red paper saying "red" and Natasha will hold up a piece of red paper saying "rojo." The children will repeat the words with the teachers. This routine will continue for all five color words. The students will hold up their crayons that correspond with the corect color for reinforcement. The teachers will then review the numbers and colors in Spanish before seperating into groups for the activity.

2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

PRACTICE AND APPLICATION: (Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback)
The teachers will model the activity for the students. Natasha will say, "Becca can you color in tres smiley faces amarillo?" Becca will say " I know that tres means three, and I think that amarillo means yellow. If I am not sure I will ask Miss Natasha. So I will take my yellow crayon and color in one, two, three smiley faces, while staying in the lines." Then, I will watch as another one of my friends in my group colors their smiley faces. Does everyone understand?" The students will split up into two groups. Natasha will take one group and Becca will take the other. The students will bring their crayon box with them and will receive the worksheet. Each child will receive a different direction to assess their knowledge of the numbers and colors in Spanish. The teachers will guide the students and will look back at the color word cards if necessary, or the help of counting on their fingers.

REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT: (Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)

The students will come back to their seats. The teachers will ask students to raise their hand if they can remember how many smiley faces they colored on their paper and what color they are. If the students need help, they will be guided by the teachers. Then, the teachers will review all of the vocabulary words and what they mean.

If there is more time in the groups, the students will be asked to point out different colors around the room, using Spanish words. The teacher can also review numbers by counting on their fingers or asking questions such as "how many days are in the week?"
(Reproduction of this material is restricted to use with Echevarria, Vogt, and Short, 2008. Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model.)

2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

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