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Annette Uhm

Address: Seocho-gu, 8angbae4dong 843-1, lnevllle 202

hone: (+82)10-3373-3206
Lmall: anneLLe.uhm.18[
8ecomlng a successful offlce manager LhaL allows me Lo dlsplay my organlzaLlon skllls and my care for
oLher people.
Seoul lorelgn School : Seoul, korea AugusL 2006 - currenL
Salem LuLheran School : Clendale, Callfornla SepLember 2002 - !une 2006
Soclal SLudles - Llvlng 1lmellne
roves LhaL l can cooperaLe well and geL my work done wlLh anoLher parLner. 92 98
MaLh - CreaL LquaLlon 8ace
uemonsLraLes my ablllLy Lo handle numbers well. 96 97
Sclence - Pow 1o use a CraduaLed Cyllnder
Shows LhaL l have knowledge of uslng Lechnology and sclenLlflc Lools. 93 98
Language ArLs - LlL Analysls: 1he ?ellow Wallpaper
LvldenLly shows my use of language and my sLyle of wrlLlng. 87 92
Symphonlc 8and - ChrlsLmas ConcerL
Shows LhaL l can lead and gulde oLher people wlLh Lhelr muslc as secLlon leader. 99 99
!azz 8and 2013 - currenL
kAlAC volleyball lebruary 2013
kAlAC 8and uecember 2012
kAlAC Cross CounLry CcLober 2012
uCLA !unlor ulscovery !une 2012
kAlAC 8askeLball Aprll 2012
!azz Lnsemble AugusL 2011
SMlS Ponor 8oll 1sL 1rl - 2013
SlMS Leadlng 8y Lxample 2012 - 2013
Muslc ConLesL 3rd lace 2013
SlMS Plgh Ponor 8oll 1sL, 2nd, 3rd 1rl 2012-2013

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