Interpretation: VIII-78-65

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In UA-001(d)(2) how are the percentages for coefficients of expansion determined?

Reply: These percentages are determined by the ratio of the absolute difference between the coefficients of expansion of the tube and tubesheet materials and the smaller of the two coefficients.

Interpretation: VIII-78-65 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1, Allowable Stress Levels, UG-23 Date Issued: May 12, 1978 File: BC78-174 Question: Is it mandatory for Section VIII, Division 1 applications to use the allowable stress values required by UG-23 or may actual yield and tensile values be used to establish higher allowable stress levels? Reply: The allowable stress levels indicated by UG-23 are mandatory and may not be exceeded for Section VIII, Division 1 construction.

Interpretation: VIII-78-66 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1, UCS-85(b) Date Issued: May 15,1978 File: BC78-173 Question: Is it the intent of UCS-85(b) to exclude heat treatment specified therein for the following items? (a) flanges and elbows complying with UG-11(a),covered by ANSI B16.5 and ANSI 16.9 constructed of materials permitted by those Standards; and (b) flanges complying with Appendix 11 constructed of P-No. 1 materials. Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-78-67 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1, UA-49(b)(3)(d) Date Issued: May 15,1978 File: BC78-189 Question: Is it the intent of UA-49(b)(3)(d) to permit the use of a lower stress value in formula (4) than that required by Subsection C? Reply: No. The allowable bolting stress values to be used for a flange designed to Appendix II are only the values given in the Subsection C. Additional information is given in Appendix S.

Interpretation: VIII-78-68 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1, Fig. UA-280, Reinforcement Date Issued: May 15, 1978 File: BC78-214 Question: element? What is the formula to be used when calculating the Area (A5) added by reinforcing

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