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What If?

By Liam Wright-Donaldson

One day a professor created a machine that people would ask him a what if question and he would put them into a virtual reality. One day he was up on stage presenting his machine I have created a virtual reality; I need a volunteer to test it out. How bout you sir the professor said. The man was shocked, but interested he had always wondered what it would be like if he was rich and had a mansion. Ok the man replied come up, come up what is your name sir the professor said its Jason The professor put the helmet on his head and plugged the machine in what is your question sir? the professor asked what if I was rich? Jason replied lets find out shall we He walked over to the machine and whispered the question the man instantly fell asleep ok this is natural he is just transported into the world he wished to be i n dont worry crowd there were babies crying because they didnt know what was going on. Where am I? Youre in your world you chose to be in, tell me when you want to come out and Ill get you out the professor replied just walk around for a bit, youll find a mansion that says Jason on it, its in pure gold have fun! Then the professor disappeared BUT WAIT! it was too late he had already disappeared The man found his mansion and entered he was shocked he nearly fainted he had a chocolate fountain and butlers and cleaners and a very, very happy family. I never want to leave this world the professor came back umm.slight problems he said there are a couple of malfunctions so just be careful with monsters and all have fun and have defense around, you may have to leave your mansion very, very soon because there are creatures and things that are roaming your round your house so have fun and Ill try to fix all the malfunctions and just check if there are anything wrong with your family ok bye the professor left WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! he heard moans and roaring he hoped in his car and took himself and his family to somewhere just not there Daddy where are we going and..? the girl shrieked she saw why they had to leave daddy where are we going to be ok? the girl asked hoping he would say rainbow land and they would be ok I dont know where were going Im sorry. The girl sat there quietly crying because they left their dog there and they didnt have enough room to carry him along Im sorry we couldnt take Joe there wasnt enough room it was already too late the girl was angry at him and ignored him you know..when we get to a safe place and all this is fixed we can get another dog he said hoping the girl would be happy NO! It wouldnt be the same why cant we just go back and get him?! the girl shouted look.hey were is Joanne the girl and him where quiet WHER IS MY FAMILY! the professor came back I have fixed some of this but you need to turn left there is a safe house there you can spend the night and get over what happened its not real its only a virtual reality dont

worry! the professor said thoughtfully what happened to them anyway? Jason said look I dont know just get some sleep I have to as well youve been in th ere for about 44 hours and I dont know what happened..LOOK OUT! Jason turned to avoid the man that was lying on the floor sleeping. He got out of his car and helped him up what happened?! Their coming The man fell asleep again he saw these creatures walking towards him he got into the safe house they were banging on the door trying to get in. He escaped through the back door, he ran like crazy and saw this little girl half human half slimy rotten creature he ran past her PROFESSOR, WHAT IS GOING ON!? I dont know he said there are much more creatures like that that man turned into one just then! he replied I want to get out of here, get me out of here! Um Um what? Jason shouted furiously well..I cant do that. WHY! Because its broken the professor mumbled WHAT, BROKEN HOW?! he shouted, but this time he said it with rage and frustration!, its raining so you wont be able to get out until tomorrow itll be fixed then the professor said It wasnt until morning that it was fixed and ready to bring him out but then it rained again. Professor get me out of here now, if it was raining all night then Im going to be so angry I slept on the road just get me out of here! said Jason furious but mostly hoping it didnt rain! huh what, oh umm.well it didnt but its still broken, sorry the professor replied SORRY DOESNT COVER ALL THE THINGS IVE SEEN IN THIS..THIS VIRTUAL WORLD! Jason was angry no not just angry he was furious he chucking a huge stone so it would brake Why me, why not anyone else Jason said because, well because I knew your father, good man shame he had to die in that war Jason instantly remembered his dad dyeing in the war how did you know him? Jason asked he was, well my Guiney pig for experiments he and I worked together hoping we would find a cure you know for cancer and all that and I in my free time was creating this machine and well your father enlisted to go to war, and I couldnt do the cure without him, so well I wasnt working on it so I was working on my virtual machine and not the cure, so I was hoping that he would return from the war and help me with the cure oh those years I waited until I visited your mother she was crying in her room I knocked on the door of the house, and she answered with a croaky voice and I didnt even ask my question, he was dead shot in the chest and he lost to much blood if he didnt he would be alive and well there would be less death in the world without cancer Jason was quiet, he didnt know what to say why? thats all he could say why what nothing can you please fix the machine before I become even more angry he said calmly I will there is a car nearby about ten meters can you it? said the professor. When Jason was at the car he hoped in it and surprisingly there was a full tank and a key but he had to hurry because the monsters had already broken through. Hurry! said the professor the creatures where getting closer by the second. He went in the car and drove off to try and save himself, all of a sudden the creatures could run they ran after him and eventually one of them caught up to him, he zig zaged to try and shake him off, then all of a sudden a couple of creatures caught up to him and flattened his tires so he hoped out of the car and ran for his life. Then the professor came back on Ive fixed the machine just.What

is that?! the professor looked shocked, Jason though that it was the creatures and that he didnt put them in there what, what are you shocked at? That! Jason looked behind him there were even more creatures, a hoard you could say it was. Kind of like a hoard of zombies but bigger and they were much, much bigger that zombies especially if zombies with all there rotten flesh and all they would have broken off their legs or something sought of limb. I, I never put thesethese things in this kind of realty I dont know what happened if, if someone hacked it or I dont know the professors words flooded Jasons head it cant end like this Jason started to cry thinking about his little sister his mum and for a second his dad who died professor, get me out of here as quick as you can! Jason was saying these words as if it was simple to just get him out of there but no it wasnt like that Jason bad news buddy, a couple of gangsters they came into my house at night and well smashed my machine Jason was angry and just kept quiet look, I dont care just fix it and I can leave ok I hate it here I, I never want to be rich it was a selfish question to ask I dont know why I want to be rich I just hope to see my family now the professor was shocked he didnt want to say anything, not yet professor have you fixed the machine yet guess what overnight I fixed it all the problems, there is a city ahead head there, but you will need that car ahead hop in Jason hoped in to the car and drove to the city he saw it without anything from the professor just press the red button in the middle Jason nearly fainted he was so relieved, the p rofessor smiled then Jason pressed the button. Professor I will kill you never ask my family ever, ever again to do that little experiment! Except me cause that was awesome! Jason had mixed emotions he didnt know what to feel happy, sad, or exited Glad you liked it, the creatures I didnt put in but everything else was all me, I think I know who did it. You know those people who sabotaged my machine so you would be stuck in there? The professor was happy that he knew who mightve done it WHO?! Jason wanted to know so badly! Does anyone hate you? the professor asked yes, why? Whats his/her name? Its a boy and his name is Smith Jason was shocked because he could have done it. Where does he live because we have too, well I would say in my days spank him but know we just put him in the machine and torture him with a very scary reality. They got Smith and put him in the machine and the professor whispered my little pony he was transported into the reality and then Jason and the professor laughed their heads off then Jason went to his mothers house and told her all about it she knew what he was talking about because she knew the professor very, very well oh thats wonderful but I have something to tell you...the only reason the professor picked you out of anyone is...because hes your grandfather Jason couldnt talk he, hes my grandfather but he, he didnt tell me... Jasons mum didnt want to tell him why he planned this whole thing out except the malfunctions he didnt know you and he just wanted to know you, he told you about your father I bet Jasons mum chuckled when I was younger I went to the park nearly every day with my father, he didnt tell you his name didnt he Jason shook his head, still speechless though his name is also Jason we named you after him, my mother passed away when I was very, very young she was a nice woman

never yelled at me, or hit me with the cane, my father though was even nicer he would tell me stories and tuck me in at night, on the 18th of October 1945 she was killed in a car crash I was only five. Jason was shocked with all the new stuff he was hearing but mum who was that woman with granddad? Jason asked she was my step mother and your grandmother they got married when I was 7. Two years after my mother past away. Jason didnt know what to say it was horrible he was over it that fast usually it would be five years before they get over it and marry another person. How was the time, what question did you ask? Jason didnt want to say because it was a selfish question it had to be a what if question thats all Jason could say. What was your question then? Jason hesitated for a second what if I was rich Jason was ashamed I would have asked the same question how is the professor these days? Good, hes doing weird stuff still trying to find the cure for cancer, and then..... Jason waited, and waited....Jason dinner is ready! Jason woke up what? Get out of bed you have school. Jason was telling his mum about his dream that sounds awesome! Jason was happy 20 years later... Jason was standing in front of a crowd I have created a machine with our very technology that you will ask the machine a question it will put you into a virtual realty!


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