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Pneumonia Nursing Care Plans

ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES Short term:After 6 hours of nursing interventions the patients S.O will verbalize her understanding of individual causative/risk factors and demonstrate lifestyle changes to prevent further infection. Long term: After 1-2 days of nursing interventions the patient will be free from possible spread of infection. NURSING INTERVENTIONS 1. Monitor v/s closely, especially during initiation of therapy. 2. Assess depth/rate of respiration and chest movement. 3. Instruct the S.O concerning about the disposition of secretions and report changes in color, amount and odor of secretions. 4. Encourage good hand washing techniques. 5. Encourage adequate rest. 6. Stress the importance of increasing the childs nutritional intake. 7. Encourage the mother to keep an eye to the baby and observe anything that the baby is putting in his mouth. 8. Administer antimicrobials as ordered. RATIONALE 1. To know potential fatal complication that may occur. 2. Tachypnea, shallow respiration, and asymmetric chest movement are frequently presented because of discomfort of the moving chest wall and/or fluid in the lungs. 3. To promote safety disposal of secretions and to assess for the resolution of pneumonia or development of secondary infection. 4. To reduce spread or acquisition of infection. 5. To enhance fast recovery and regain strength. 6. A good nutritional intake can strengthen body immune defense. 7. To prevent entry of microbes. 8. To combat microbial pneumonias. EXPECTED OUTCOMES Short term:The patients S.O shall have verbalized her understanding of individual causative/risk factors and demonstrate lifestyle changes to prevent further infection. Long term: The patient shall have been free from possible spread of infection.

Fever of 38.4C Presence of

adventitious sounds in both lung field. Productive cough Skin pale in color Restlessness Body malaise Activity intolerance Decrease oxygen level

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