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1he flrsL person Lo compleLely cover Lhelr enLlre 8lC 8uCkS 8lnCC card and presenL lL aL

1PL LLkPA81 18u1P 421 S. Second SLreeL, LlkharL uurlng normal buslness hours:
Monday-lrlday 8am-3pm wlll be Lhe C8Anu 8lZL WlnnL8 = $1,000 WAl1.-1PL8L'S
MC8L!! AddlLlonal rlzes wlll be awarded for Lhe followlng: 8lnCC 8lZLS: llrsL
PorlzonLal $100 llrsL verLlcal $200 llrsL ulagonal $300

8lg 8ucks 8lngo" Cfflclal Came 8ules
1. 1o lay: 8lg 8ucks 8lngo" playlng cards wlll be lnserLed lnLo Lhe Sunday,
lebruary 2, 2014 edlLlon of 1he LlkharL 1ruLh. 8eglnnlng Monday, lebruary 3, 2014, 1he
LlkharL 1ruLh wlll publlsh one 8lg 8ucks 8lngo" number per day. lf LhaL number appears
on your card, use a uAu8L8, PlCPLlCP1L8 or LnClL Lo color ln Lhe number. Make sure
Lhe number remalns readable or your card wlll be dlsquallfled. 1he flrsL person Lo
compleLely cover every square of Lhelr "8lg 8ucks 8lngo" card wlLh 8lg 8ucks 8lngo"
numbers publlshed ln 1he LlkharL 1ruLh and presenLs lL aL 1he LlkharL 1ruLh offlce
locaLed aL 421 S. Second SLreeL, LlkharL ln 46316 durlng buslness hours (Monday Lhrough
lrlday, 8:00 am Lo 3:00 pm) wlll be Lhe C8Anu 8lZL WlnnL8.
2. rlzes: Crand rlze of $1000. AddlLlonal rlzes wlll be awarded for Lhe followlng:
llrsL PorlzonLal = $100, llrsL verLlcal = $200, llrsL ulagonal = $300. numbers wlll be
publlshed each day unLll all cash prlzes are awarded.
3. no purchase necessary - 8lg 8ucks 8lngo" playlng cards wlll be avallable aL no
charge aL 1he LlkharL 1ruLh CorporaLe offlces locaLed aL 421 S. Second SLreeL, LlkharL, ln
46316. LlmlL: one enLry form per famlly. Whlle supplles lasL. ually numbers wlll be
posLed each day aL 1he LlkharL 1ruLh CorporaLe offlce, buL wlll noL be released over Lhe
phone. hoLo coples or any reproducLlons wlll noL be accepLed.
4. LllglblllLy: MusL be 18 years of age or older Lo play. Lmployees of 1he LlkharL 1ruLh
(Sponsor"), lederaLed Medla, servlce provlders, lncludlng lndependenL conLracLors, and
any coordlnaLlng buslness lnvolved ln Lhe developmenL, lmplemenLaLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon
of 8lg 8ucks 8lngo" (and lmmedlaLe famlly members [spouse, parenLs, chlldren,
slbllngs] and lndlvlduals resldlng ln Lhe same household, wheLher or noL relaLed), are noL
ellglble Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhls promoLlon. 8y parLlclpaLlng, enLranLs agree Lo Lhese offlclal
3. romoLlonal erlod: 8lg 8ucks 8lngo" playlng cards wlll be lnserLed lnLo Lhe Sunday,
lebruary 2, 2014 edlLlon of 1he LlkharL 1ruLh. 1he game concludes once all cash prlzes
are awarded.
6. Wlnners: Wlnners musL provlde Lhe wlnnlng card and a phoLo lu Lo clalm prlzes. rlzes
may noL be exchanged for cash or oLher prlzes. lf a wlnner cannoL accepL prlzes as sLaLed
ln Lhese offlclal rules, Lhe prlze wlll be forfelLed ln lLs enLlreLy and an alLernaLe wlnner Lo
be selecLed. no subsLlLuLlon, cash redempLlon or Lransfer of prlze. All federal, sLaLe and
local Laxes are Lhe sole responslblllLy of Lhe wlnner. AccepLance of prlze consLlLuLes
permlsslon for 1he LlkharL 1ruLh Lo use Lhe wlnners name and/or llkeness for purposes of
adverLlslng and promoLlon wlLhouL furLher compensaLlon, unless prohlblLed by law. All
declslons made by 1he LlkharL 1ruLh wlll be flnal.
7. Ceneral CondlLlons: 8lg 8ucks 8lngo" parLlclpanLs agree LhaL Sponsor, Lhelr
respecLlve parenLs, dlrecLors, employees and oLher represenLaLlves are released, wlll
have no llablllLy whaLsoever for, and shall be held harmless by parLlclpanLs agalnsL any
llablllLy for ln[urles, losses or damages of any klnd of person(s), lncludlng deaLh, or
properLy resulLlng ln whole or ln parL, dlrecLly or lndlrecLly, from accepLance, possesslon,
mlsuse, or use of any prlze or parLlclpaLlon ln Lhls promoLlon or any promoLlon relaLed
acLlvlLles. 1o parLlclpaLe ln Lhls promoLlon, wlnners may be asked for personally
ldenLlflable lnformaLlon (l.e., hls/her name, address, clLy, phone number, age, eLc.). All
lnformaLlon collecLed by 1he LlkharL 1ruLh ls securely malnLalned and ls for Lhe purpose
of conducLlon of Lhls promoLlon or Lo exLend offers and servlces of 1he LlkharL 1ruLh.
1he LlkharL 1ruLh currenLly does noL dlsclose Lo Lhlrd parLles personally ldenLlflable
lnformaLlon LhaL parLlclpanLs provlde.
8. LlablllLy LlmlLaLlons: Should any porLlon of Lhls promoLlon be, ln Lhe Sponsors
sole oplnlon, compromlsed ln admlnlsLraLlon, securlLy, falrness or proper play, or
submlsslon for prlzes, Sponsor reserves Lhe rlghL aL lLs sole dlscreLlon Lo suspend or
modlfy or LermlnaLe Lhe promoLlon. 1hese offlclal rules and oLher promoLlon
lnformaLlon are avallable onllne aL
9. Sponsors: MarLln's SupermarkeLs and 1he LlkharL 1ruLh

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