Model Curriculum: Interaction of Genome, Metabolism & Immune System As Disease Model

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Model Curriculum

S1 Introduction Elements of Life Biology of the Cell

(in effect since October 2010)

Signal- and Information Systems

Throughout the semester: communication and interaction, teamwork


Growth, Tissue, Organs

Individual and Society

Blood and Immune System

Scientific Approaches 1

Throughout module 1-3: communication and interaction, teamwork




Heart and Circulation

Nutrition, Digestion, Metabolism 3 years Sense Organs

Throughout the semester: principles of medical thinking and action (1)



Kidney and Electrolytes

Nervous System

Throughout the semester: communication and interaction, teamwork


Infection as Disease Model

Neoplasia as Disease Model

Interaction of Genome, Metabolism & Immune System as Disease Model

Psyche and Pain as Disease Model

Throughout the semester: communication and interaction, teamwork


Conclusion Module of Part 1

Sexuality and Endokrine System

Scientific Approaches 2

Option/Individual Focus 1

During the module "sexuality and endocrine system": communication and interaction, teamwork


Diseases of the Chest

Diseases of the Abdomen

Disease of the extremities

Option/Individual Focus 2

Throughout the semester: communication and interaction, teamwork, in addition: 1 day in general practice


Diseases of the Head, Neck and Endocrine Systems

Neurologic Diseases

Psychiatric Diseases

Option/Individual Focus 3 2 years Option/Individual Focus 4

Throughout the semester: principles of medical thinking and action (2)


Pregnancy, Birth, Newborn, Infant

Diseases of the childhood and adolescence

Practical courses: General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, "Paper Work"

Gender-specific Diseases

Throughout the semester: communication and interaction, teamwork

S 10

Age, Death and Dying, Law, Intensive Care, Palliative Medicine

Practical courses: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology

Scientific Approaches 3

Throughout the semester: communication and interaction, teamwork

"Practical year" (Internal Medicine, Surgery, OptionaI Field)

1 year

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