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LIGHT S.A. Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF): 03.37 .!"#/000#$7! C%MPAN& '(GIST'& (NI'(): 33.300.")3.#)$# P*+,-.

,y$He,/ Co0pa1y


Light S.A. (Company), pursuant to CVM Instruction 358 o !anuary 3, "##", h$r$%y in orms its shar$ho&'$rs an' th$ mar($t in g$n$ra& that, on !anuary "), "#*+, th$ Company $nt$r$' into a Shar$ho&'$rs, Agr$$m$nt -ith .urnas C$ntrais /&0tricas S.A. (.urnas) to manag$ Soci$'a'$ '$ 1rop2sito /sp$c3 ico /n$rgia 4&3mpica S.A. (S1/ /n$rgia 4&3mpica), -ith th$ purpos$ o imp&$m$nting, constructing, op$rating an' maintaining a su%station or $&$ctric po-$r supp&y to th$ 5io '$ !an$iro 4&ympic 1ar(. S1/ /n$rgia 4&3mpica,s o-n$rship structur$ compris$s th$ Company, -hich ho&'s i ty an' on$ t$nth o a p$rc$nt (5#.*6) o th$ capita& stoc( an' .urnas, -hich ho&'s th$ r$maining orty7nin$ an' nin$ t$nths o a p$rc$nt (+8.86).

5io '$ !an$iro, !anuary "8, "#*+. !o9o :atista ;o&ini Carn$iro Chi$ .inancia& an' In<$stor 5$&ations 4 ic$r

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