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There were seven students who went to compete at the regional math bee at the beginning of the month. Although we came in 3rd place, we had the most participants out of 8 schools. Our students were very excited to be recognized for this award. The second grade classes will receive a pizza and ice cream party on February 7 to congratulate them on their award. We ask

for parents and volunteers to come and help us help them celebrate their day!

Turn it Off and Turn it On!

Third Graders have been learning about the imagination. Mrs. Hansons class has been discussing how children spend too much time watching TV. Too much TV cuts into family time and promotes inactive lifestyles. Below is a list that the students came up with to do instead of

watching TV: Read a book Put a puzzle together Draw pictures Turn the TV off during dinner Listen to music instead of watching TV

Field Trip to Reeder Bank Zoo and Museum Coming Up!

Please remember that the field trips are coming up soon. Reeder Bank Zoo for 2 nd graders will be February 6 from 9am-2pm and the 3rd graders will travel to the state museum on the same day. Information packets have been sent out. A prompt response will be greatly appreciated and if you have any questions please feel free to contact the school at (658) 320-9876.

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