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TPS Information 37/00

September 2000

What is DIN 18723 (part 3) and ISO 12857 (part 2)?

DIN (Deutsches Institut fr Normung) is an organization which develops all German industrial standards (all written in German) and ISO is the International Organization of Standardization which does the same, but operates worldwide and is therefore also valid worldwide. The standards contain the following parts: DIN ISO 18723 12857 General part 1 --Levels part 2 1 Theodolite part 3 2 Optical distance part 4 --Plumb instruments part 5 --Electro-optic.EDM part 6 3 Gyros part 7 --Rotation laser part 8 --This newsletter concentrates on the Theodolite part and in this part on the Hz angle only.

served clockwise in face I starting with the 1st pt. After the 5th pt., the targets have to be observed counter-clockwise in face II starting with the 5th pt. (total: 5 targets * 2 faces * 3 sets * 4 series =120 observations). Evaluation of the Hz-observations: The evaluation of the measured values is an adjustment of all observations: Each of the 4 series is calculated separately. First, the mean value of face I and II for each target is calculated. After the reduction of each set to the 1st pt. (direction to pt.1 = 0.0000), the mean value for the direction to each target results from the 3 sets. The differences and corrections for each observation can then be calculated. The square sum of the corrections ci,j of the series of observations No. k=1,2,3,4 is:

difference observed minus true direction! s0 does not include errors resulting from inaccurate setup of the station and/or target and also not errors caused by different operators (normal Gauss distribution is required).

Statistical tests
Leica develops, manufactures and tests their instruments so they fulfill the promoted precision specifications (0 e.g = 2) when dispatched from the factory. Statistical tests are used to verify whether an instrument reaches the precision stated by the manufacturer with a probability of X% (=Null Hypothesis). This is the case IF: s0 factor * 0 DIN and ISO are using slightly different factors for 95% (0.8 / 1.2), depending on the statistical interpretation. To test the Null Hypothesis roughly and easily, the factor 1 can be used.

Hz- direction measurement according to DIN / ISO

Both organizations use the SAME procedure to determine the standard deviation s0 of a horizontal direction with a Theodolite or Tachymeter under field conditions: According to DIN/ISO, 4 series (k=1,2,3,4) of horizontal directions have to be observed. One series consist of 3 sets (j=1,2,3) and in each set 5 targets (i=1,2,3,4,5) have to be measured in 2 faces. The targets should be placed between 100m and 250m away from the station, with about the same elevation as the station (zenith angle about 100gon) and they should be spread over the whole horizon around the station. All targets have to be ob-

cc = !! c2
k j =1 i =1

i, j

The degree of freedom for 3 sets of directions to 5 targets is fk=(3-1)*(5-1)=8 and the standard deviation sk of a direction ri,j taken in one set of the series of observation results in:

Interested in more details?

This newsletter gives only a very short overview on the DIN / ISO standards and some facts were simplified. The complete DIN 18723 has been published together with other standards in the Pocketbook 111 (Beuth publisher, Berlin 1998) and cost about 160.- CHF. Each part of the DIN standard can be ordered also separately on the homepage ( for about 40.- to 60.- CHF each. The ISO 12857-2 standard can be ordered at the International Organization for Standardization; post office box 56 in Switzerland, 1211 Geneva 20 and cost about 98.- CHF (

cc f


The standard deviation s0 of a horizontal direction observed in one set calculated from all four series of observations is finally:

s0 =

! cc
4 k =1


The statistical value s0 states, that about 68% of all observations to a target are max. s0 away from the true direction. s0 is therefore NOT an absolute maximum limit for the

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