Section 1 ASE-Type Questions

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Section 1 Introduction to Automotive Technology Chapter 5 The Auto Shop and Safety ASE-Type Questions 1.

In which auto shop area would an exhaust system repair most likely be done? A! Shop stall "! #rease rack $! Alignment rack %! &utside work area '.(ules to remember when using gasoline include each of the following except) A! Store gas in approved containers "! *eep gas away from source of heat $! +se ,uick dry to absorb any gas spills %! -ever use gasoline as a cleaning solvent ../hich of the following is a possible source of explosion in an auto shop? A! 0uel tanks "! $ar batteries $! /elding tanks %! All of the above 1.Asphyxiation can be caused by) A! Touching a current carrying wire "! Improper lifting techni,ues $! "reathing toxic substances %! -one of the above 2.Asbestos dust3 which can cause cancer3 is found in) A! 0uel tanks "! Transmissions $! 4ropane filled bottles %! "rake and clutch assembly 5.A respirator is a) A! 0ilter mask "! Type of chemical burn $! 6achine guard %! %evice to put out small fires 7.8ye protection should be worn when) A! $arrying batteries "! &perating power tools $! /orking by a running engine %! All of the above

9./hich of the following is not a good tip when dressing for work? A! Secure long hair "! (oll up long shirt sleeves $! 6ake sure all :ewellery fits well %! All of the above ;.An engine needs to be moved. Technician A says two people can slide the engine out of the way. Technician " says that and engine crane should be used to move the engine. /ho is right? A! A only "! " only $! "oth A and " %! -either A nor " 1<./hen removing asbestos dust from parts3 Technician A believes a vacuum system should be used. Technician " believes dust should be blown away using compressed air. /ho is right? A! A only "! " only $! "oth A and " %! -either A nor "

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