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To / Destinataire From / Expditeur 'ub(ect / )b(et

Mayor and Members of Council Dixon eir! "#En$# %eneral Mana$er En&ironmental 'er&ices Fro*en ater 'er&ices

File/N de fichier:

Date: +, -anuary +./0

1s in past 2inters! En&ironmental 'er&ices Department 3E'D4 uses En&ironment Canada and eather Net2or5 data to predict frost depths and to mana$e the potential ris5 of a fro*en 2ater ser&ice pipe that connects the City6s 2ater distribution system into homes or buildin$s# Modelin$ be$ins once daily temperatures are consistently belo2 *ero de$rees Celsius# 1pproximately +!... customers out of our ++.!... customers ha&e been issued notices across the city# E'D has issued the notices to drin5in$ 2ater customers that ha&e experienced fro*en 2ater ser&ices in pre&ious years throu$h a phased notification process based upon pro$ressin$ frost penetration depths# The notice pro&ides customers 2ith ad&ance notice of a potential repeat fro*en ser&ice e&ent! and pro&ides information on ho2 to a&oid a fro*en 2ater ser&ice and 2hat to do if their ser&ice line free*es# Customers recei&e different notices dependin$ on 2hether pre&ious experience indicates that the ris5 of free*in$ lies on the public or pri&ate side of the property line# 7oth &ersions are attached for your information# 'hould you re8uire further information! please do not hesitate to contact me at 9/:;<,.;+0+0 extension ++..+# Dixon eir! "#En$# %eneral Mana$er En&ironmental 'er&ices 1ttachments cc: 'te&e =anella5os! DCM Tammy >ose! Mana$er! Drin5in$ ater 'er&ices 'ally Mc?ntyre! Mana$er! En&ironmental 7usiness 'er&ices

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