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Use these to create a hierarchical concept map! You must include all of them.

Mercantilism Non-importation agreements

French and Indian War Declaratory Act - 1766
George Washington Townshend Acts - 1767
Albany Plan of Union (1754) Writs of assistance
“Join or Die” Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer
Braddock’s Blunder John Dickinson
Prime Minister William Pitt Massachusetts Circular Letter, 1768
Treaty of Paris, 1763 James Otis
Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763) Samuel Adams
Results: The French and Indian War Boston Massacre - 1770
Proclamation of 1763 Lord North
Molasses Act - 1733 Gaspee
“Salutary Neglect” Committees of Correspondence
George Grenville (1763-1765) Tea Act 1773
Sugar Act - 1764 Boston Tea Party
Quartering Act - 1765 Coercive Acts - 1774
Stamp Act - 1765 Quebec Act - 1774
“No Taxation Without Representation” Patrick Henry
“Virtual Representation” Suffolk Resolves
Virginia Resolves 1st Continental Congress
Stamp Act Congress “The Association”
Sons and Daughters of Liberty King George III
John Adams The Enlightenment

Change in views as a result of French and Indian War

•British View:
•Colonial View:

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