Online Grievience Redressal System

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Project/ scenario name: Online grievance redressal system Custom scenario description: The people need not go to the

higher authorities always when they face problems. They can use the service of this software browser and can give their complaint and the complaint is taken up by the employee of specified department and he solves the problem. . To create a user!friendly online interface for citi"ens to communicate with administrative body and# reduce the distance and time barrier between citi"ens and administration# To create a online platform where people can share ideas# invoke discussions# issue complaints# create suggestion/petitions for improvement of city administration. To encourage the citi"ens to actively participate in city administration to bring transparency and fle&ibility in system.

Objective/ vision:



'otivations to build this system: . $. (imited hour service availability in the current system. (ack of involvement of people in e&hibiting their responsibilities towards society.

The objective of Centrali"ed Complaint )ystem is to make people to get solved their problems easily by using the online complaint system. *sers of the system: .administrator $.manager %.employee +.public ,. (ocal municipal authorities. -. ./Os.

0unctional re1uirements .Online 5egistration for public. $.*ser!friendly 6nterface. 2include at least 34: %.7asy intake of user need. +. manager#employee related userid #passwords are send to their respective mails. ,.verification of manager#employee#public details -.Online interaction of administrator# employee and managers 8.7nd to end interaction of employees with public 3.administrator controls all department 1ueries 9. *sers 2Citi"ens4 : 6. *sers should be able to create new account# log!in to their e&isting

accounts which will give them the authority to use the services provided by the system. 66. 9uthenticated users should be able to issue complaints# check complaint status# submit feedback# browse through other complaints and their feedback. 9uthenticated users should be able to create suggestions/petitions: other users can support or make suggestions for petitions: forward petitions to corresponding authority for possible implementation. *sers can to create groups where users can share their e&periences: discuss common problems# and the possible solution:



<. 'unicipal authorities : 6. 'unicipal authorities can log!in to their accounts as created by administrator. 9uthorities can access all the complaints# suggestions from users. 6nvoke proper activity in response to valid complaints# or redirect inappropriate complaints to the administrator. /ive response to complaints with activity reports.

66. 666.


C. 9dministrators : 6. 66. 666. Create# and monitor accounts of authorities. 0ilter the content reported as inappropriate and handle threats. =andle complaints about improper response by municipal authorities.

>. ./O?s: 6. 66. ./O can form user groups similar to other users. ./O?s can publici"e their social causes on the site.

.on!functional re1uirements 2include at least +4:

i. ii. iii. iv.

)ecure access of confidential data 2user@s details4. ))( can be used. $+ A 8 availability <etter component design to get better performance at peak time 0le&ible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future


Optional features:

. $. %. +.

Online )urveys. 0acility to upload photos of the complaint. for eg# garbage problem. =elp pages in the form of forums and 09Bs. 9ssigning performance ratings to different sections of municipal administration as per direct feedback received from users. 9. Professional look and feel <. *se of 9C9A atleast with all registration forms C. <rowser testing and support for 67# ..# 'o"illa# and 0irefo&. >. *se of /raphical tool like C9)P75 to show strategic data to admin 7. 5eports e&portable in .A()# .P>0 or any other desirable format

*ser interface priorities:


.weekly report $.monthly report %.status report +.yearly report

Escalation reports based on responsibility matrix queries and responses answered report

8. Complaint report including complaint details# response details# feedback 3. )ection!wise user!feedback summary. Other important issues: . Debsite is highly customi"able and fle&ible enough to easily deploy. That means# if we want to use this site for any other municipal authority# it would take least amount of time and efforts. )implicity of interface. Complete separation of complaints according to its type: /arbage# 5oad etc

$. %.

Technologies to be used: Team )i"e Tools to be used:

*'(# C$77# A'(# e!0orms# 9C9A# Deb $.E# Deb!services# )O9 $ F + students 5O)7/5)9 / Deb)phere 'odeler 7clipse/ 59> / (otus 0orms >esigner / Portlet 0actory

Deb)phere Portal/ D9)/ D9) C7 / DP) ><$ 7&press F GC@ or ><$ *><

Tivoli C>P/T)' / Tivoli >irectory )erver (inu& will be the preferred O).

0inal deliverable must include:

. Online or offline help to above said users# 9pplication development e&ecutive and developer $. 9pplication archive 2.war/.ear4 with source code %. >atabase backup and >>( )cript +. Complete )ource code

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