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Section 1 Introduction to Automotive Technology Chapter 6 Automotive Measurement and Math ASE-Type Questions 1.

Specs are: (A) Dimensions o parts (!) Ma"imum #ear limits o parts ($) Measurement o parts (D) All o the a%ove &.Technician A says the customary measuring system originated rom si'e ta(en rom the human %ody. Technician ! says customary units #ere derived rom the landscape. )ho is correct* (A) A only. (!) ! only. ($) !oth A and !. (D) +either A or !. ,.)hich o the ollo#ing is used to ma(e lo# precision linear measurements* (A) Steel rule (!) -oc(et scale ($) Inside calliper (D) $om%ination s.uare /.)hich o the ollo#ing measuring devices has a gauge attached #hich ma(es measurements easier to read* (A) Divider (!) Dial calliper ($) Sliding calliper (D) $om%ination s.uare 0.1olume can %e measured in each o these e"cept: (A) 2itres (!) 3uarts ($) 4ilopascals (D) $u%ic inches 5.)hen using a decimal conversion chart6 ractions are only accurate to a%out: (A) 1715 o an inch (!) 175/ o an inch ($) 1 centimetre (D) 8.8&0 millimetres 9.:ach num%er on a customary micrometer e.uals: (A) 8.188

(!) 8.&88 ($) 8.,88 (D) 8./88; <.)hich o the ollo#ing is not a good rule to remem%er #hen using a micrometer* (A) +ever drop or over tighten a micrometer (!) =old the micrometer s.uarely #ith the #or( ($) >rasp rame #ith ingers and turn #ith palm (D) -ut a little oil on the micrometer #hen in storage ?.This type o gauge is used to measure the distance %et#een unparallel or curved sur aces: (A) @lat eeler gauge (!) )ire eeler gauge ($) Telescoping gauge (D) Spring gauge 18.A dial indicator measures part movement in: (A) 4ilopascals (!) Millimetres ($) =undredths o an inch (D) Thousands o an inch

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