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Jessica Shamshura
Education DePaul University, Chicago, IL achelor o! Science in "athematical Sciences "inor) *inance Dean+s List ,P- ../ "ulti 2aria3le Calculus Se4uence I, II, and III 5riting in 5or1$lace Conte#ts Delta 6eta Sorority 7reasurer 8 5or1 0ith ill9igh0ay to 1ee$ trac1 o! cash !lo0s 8 udget the cha$ters money 8 Communicate 0ith Delta 6eta :ationals 7urtle 7ug Committee 8 udgeted to run a $hilanthro$y event 8 -cted as a liaison !or $otential s$onsors and committee Demon79<: "orale Ca$tain 8 =ecruit dancers !or the 3ig event 8 >ee$ s$irits high 8 =aise !unds !or -nn ? =o3ert 9. Lurie Children+s 9os$ital :ational 9onors Society President 8 <rgani@ed and ran monthly meetings 8 Planned !und raising events 8 Su$ervised other e#ecutive 3oard $ositions E#$erience -ugust %&'&;June %&'' E#$ected June %&'(

Course0or1 -ctivities

Pro3a3ility and Statistics -ccounting and Economics Present

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>eeley -sset "anagement Client Service Intern 8 U$date $er!ormance sheet daily using -#ys, E#cel, and loom3erg 8 "onitor trade tic1ets using Streetsca$e 8 *ul!ill literature re4uests "erlo on "a$le 9ost 8 ,reeted and escorted guests to ta3les 8 Chec1ed coats and 3elongings


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Pools PlusA=olling "eado0s, Illinois "ay %&'&;-ugust %&'% Li!eguard Su$ervisor 8 Communicated in!ormation 3et0een higher and lo0er level sta!! 8 ,uided lo0er level sta!! 8 "aintained $ools S1ills Pro!icient in "icroso!t <!!ice $rograms 5ord, Po0er$oint, and E#cel Conversational in =ussian and S$anish Pro!essional 0riting

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