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Section 2 Engines Chapter 14 Engine Bottom End Construction Review Questions-Chapter 14 Cylinder blocks can be made o !!!! !!!!

or !!!!!. E#plain the di erence between wet sleeves and dry sleeves. %luminum blocks commonly use !!! !!!& !!! sleeves. 'ist and de ine ( piston dimensions. %*n+!!!!! !!!!! piston is machined slightly out-o -round when viewed rom the top to compensate or di erent rates o piston!!!!!. (. ,hen the top o the piston outside diameter is machined slightly smaller then the bottom& it is called*%+ .op up piston *B+ /ished piston *C+ Cam-ground piston */+ .iston taper 0. !!!!! !!!!! are small indentations either cast or machined in the piston top. 1. ,hat is a ring e#pander-spacer2 3. 4he di erence between the ring width and width o the piston ring groove determines !!! !!!! !!!. 15. 4he di erence between the ring wall thickness and ring groove depth determines !!! !!! !!!. 11. /e ine a ring gap. 1". ,hen should you use piston rings with so t coatings2 1$. E#plain why some parts are case hardened. 14. ,hich o the ollowing does not relate to modern piston assembly*%+ 6ull- loating pin. *B+ .ress- it pin. *C+ Bolted piston pin. */+ 7 set piston pin. 1)./escribe piston slap and piston pin o set. 1(.%*n+ !!!!! on the head o a piston is used to indicate piston pin o set. 10.8ame two reasons connecting rod numbers are used. 11.Engine cranksha ts are usually made o !!!! !!!! or !!! !!!!. 13.9ow does lubricating oil get to the connecting rod bearings2 "5.,hich o the ollowing does not pertain to engine bearings2 *%+ 'oad strength *B+ 'ubrication absorption *C+ Con ormability */+ Embedability "1.E#plain bearing crash. "".E#plain bearing spread. "$.%*n+ !!! bearings has the original dimensions speci ied by the manu acturer or a new& unworn& or unmachined cranksha t. 1. ". $. 4. ).

"4.%*n+!!! bearing is design to be used on a cranksha t :ournal that has been machined to a smaller diameter. ")./escribe three rear oil seal variations.

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