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Cakes and Other Fun Things

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. 2003.

Compiled January 2003

All recipes cooked in the kitchen of Jennifer Harvey. Copyright 1996 - 2003 Jennifer Harvey Food Matters. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited. Permission freely granted by contacting href=""MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Food_Matters. Derived from the Food_Matters Internet Site. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Table of Contents
Cakes and Other Fun Things....................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. 2003............................................................................................................... 1 Compiled January 2003...................................................................................................................................... 1 Table of Contents................................................................................................................................................ 1
Bannocks (Scottish Girdle Oatcakes)................................................................................................................................ 1 Girdle Scones..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Singin Hinny...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Carrot Cake........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Lemon Polenta Cake..........................................................................................................................................................5 Polenta Butter Cake........................................................................................................................................................... 6 Apple cake to make you get over that man whose name must not be mentioned!........................................................... 7 Orange Olive Oil Cakes.....................................................................................................................................................8 Jenny's Famous Whole Orange Cake................................................................................................................................ 9 Orange and Poppyseed Cake........................................................................................................................................... 10 Honey-iced Coffee Cake ( a cake from Debbie) ............................................................................................................ 11 Berry Muffins (La Cucina Italiana, December '95).........................................................................................................12 Currant and Orange Muffins............................................................................................................................................13 Chelsea Bun a la Yeast.................................................................................................................................................... 14 Lemon Loaf with Poppy Seeds .......................................................................................................................................15 Coffee-Date Muffins .......................................................................................................................................................16 Tira-Mi-Su ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Cakes and Other Fun Things

Bannocks (Scottish Girdle Oatcakes)

Leave out the sugar and fruit, and serve with bacon and eggs, soup, smoked fish or relish and cheese. Yum!

200 g medium ground oatmeal 0.5 tspn baking powder 75 -90 ml hot water

25 g plain flour 50 g butter 50 g currants

0.5 tspn salt 50 g caster sugar

Heat and prepare the girdle or heavy based frying pan as described in the Cooking Dictionary. Place Oatmeal, flour, salt, sugar and baking powder in a bowl and rub in the butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in the dried fruit. Add the water a tablespoon at a time until a soft dough forms. Turn onto a board scattered with oatmeal, and knead lightly. Roll dough to 6mm thick and cut into squares, rounds or wedges. Bake on a griddle for 5 minutes, turn and bake a further 5 minutes. Serve with lashings of butter and home made jam.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Cakes and Other Fun Things

Girdle Scones

225 g plain flour 50 g butter

0.5 tspn salt 50 g caster sugar

1 tspn baking powder 150 ml buttermilk, soured milk or thin cream

Heat and prepare girdle or heavy based frying pan as described in the Cooking Dictionary. Sift flour, salt and baking powder into a bowl. Cut fat into flour and rub in until mixture resembles even-sized breadcrumbs. Stir sugar into mixture. If desired, additional flavourings such as dried fruit can be stirred in at this time. Make a hollow in the middle of the mixture and pour in the liquid. Work in to make a soft but not sticky dough. Gather the dough together with your fingers and turn out on to a floured board. Knead lightly and quickly. Roll out dough to a round 12mm thick. Using a long bladed knife, cut into 8 wedges. Carefully transfer wedges to heated girdle and bake for 5 minutes or until well risen and light brown underneath. Turn and bake for a further 5 minutes until evenly browned and hollow sounding when tapped.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Cakes and Other Fun Things

Singin Hinny
This cake sings as it cooks - a girdle cake from Northumberland. Serve piping hot.

350 g self raising flour 1 tspn salt 75 g currants 75 g mixed dried fruit

50 g ground rice 50 g butter 250 g thin cream and milk mixed

1 tspn baking powder 50 g caster sugar 1 tspn mixed spice, optional

Heat and prepare the griddle or heavy based frying pan as described in the Cooking Dictionary. Sift flour, baking powder, ground rice, mixed spice, and salt into a bowl. Cut the butter into the flour, then rub in until mixture resembles even-sized breadcrumbs. Stir sugar and currants into rubbed-in mixture. Stir in the dried fruit. Make a hollow in the middle of the mixture and pour in cream mixture. Work to make a soft but not sticky dough. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board and knead quickly and lightly. Roll or press out to a 23 cm circle approx 6mm thick. Lightly grease the griddle and transfer the hinny to the griddle. Bake 4 - 5 minutes until risen and brown underneath. Turn and bake another 4 - 5 minutes until evenly browned and quite dry in the centre. Transfer to a serving plate, cut into wedges, split in half and lash with butter.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Cakes and Other Fun Things

Carrot Cake
450 g sugar 120 g plain flour 250 ml vegetable oil Topping: 5 eggs pinch cinnamon 440 g carrots, grated 125 g cream cheese 100g icing sugar 230 g wholemeal flour 1 tspn baking powder 0.5 cup walnuts, chopped roughly 125 g unsalted butter extra walnuts to decorate

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Beat the sugar and eggs until pale and sift the dry ingredients into the bowl. Add the oil, carrot and walnuts and mix until combined. Do not overmix or the mixture will loose too much volume. Butter 2 21cm x 7.5 cm bread tins and line with baking paper. Divide the mixture between the tins and bake for 40 minutes or until the cakes spring back when touched. Allow to cool in the tins. To make the topping, beat the cream cheese, butter and icing sugar in a mixing bowl with a paddle until light. Turn each cake upside down and cover the new top with the topping. Decorate with walnuts.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Cakes and Other Fun Things

Lemon Polenta Cake

This cake is delicious. I carted it around with me one weekend, as I visited family and friends, and shared a slice or two at each location. Delicious and unusual! It is moist, gritty, soft, crumbly, lemony, and deliciously scented. Serve on a very large white Italian-style platter, and drizzle with poached or freshly caramelised fruits. A tunning look. It is through Kate Lamont of Lamont Winery Restaurant, (of this recipe), that I learnt that overmixing of the flour in cakes can develop the gluten and give that peaked-top (so familiar to me). Fold in the flour, don't mix, to give an even, light cake.

450 g soft unsalted butter 450 g almond meal juice of 1 lemon 0.5 tspn salt

450 g caster sugar 2 tspn vanilla essence 225 g fine polenta

6 eggs zest of 4 lemons 1.5 tspn baking powder

Preheat the oven to 170_C. Lightly grease and flour a 28cm tin, lining the base with baking paper. Cream the butter and sugar. Add vanilla and mix. Add eggs one at a time, mixing thoroughly. Add zest and juice. Mix the almond meal, polenta, baking powder and salt, and fold into mixture. Pour into the tin, and bake at 170 degrees C for 1 hour until it just leaves the edge of the tin and is firm to touch in the centre.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Cakes and Other Fun Things

Polenta Butter Cake

100 g soft unsalted butter 1 teaspn vanilla extract 1 cup polenta To serve 1 cup caster sugar 3 eggs 1.75 teaspn baking powder cream, sweetened ricotta or marscapone cheese 2 Tblspns golden syrup 1.25 cups plain flour 0.5 cup buttermilk poached pears or quinces

Preheat the oven to 180_C. Lightly grease and flour a 22cm x 11cm loaf tin, lining the base with baking paper. Beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Beat in the golden syrup and vanilla then add the eggs one at a time, beating well between each addition, Sift together the flour, polenta and baking powder and fold into the butter mixture. Add the buttermilk and stir until the mixture is smooth and level. Bake for 50 - 60 minutes or until a metal skewer inserted in the cake withdraws clean. Cover the cake with alfoil during baking if the top browns too quickly. Turn onto a rack to cool.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Cakes and Other Fun Things

Apple cake to make you get over that man whose name must not be mentioned!
1 Tblspn butter 1 cup sugar 1 teaspn cinnamon 0.25 cup milk To serve cream or marscapone cheese 3 Delicious or Granny Smith Apples, peeled, cored and sliced. 2 eggs pinch salt 125 g butter 1.5 cups self raising flour grated zest 0.5 lemon

To cook the apples: melt the tablespoon butter in a pan and cook the sliced apples until they have softened a little. The cake: Preheat the oven to 190_C. Butter and flour a ring cake tin. Cream the butter and sugar. Beat in the eggs one at a time, until they are well mixed. Beat in the flour, zest, cinnamon and salt with a wooden spoon, alternating with the milk. Arrange most of the apple slices on the bottom of the cake tin. Spoon in the cake mixture, spreading it evenly over the apples. Bake on the centre shelf of the oven for 35 - 40 minutes or until cooked. Turn out and cool on a wire rack. Serve with the remaining apple slice and cream or Mascarpone cheese.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Cakes and Other Fun Things

Orange Olive Oil Cakes

Makes 6 individual desert cakes. Easy and yummy. Serve with a nice sweet sticky orange sauce and some sweet sweet wine....

3 large eggs 1 tspn small grated orange zest 80 g plain flower, sifted 0.25 tspn cream of tartar

90g caster sugar 65 ml fruity extra virgin olive oil pinch sea salt

1 tspn small grated lemon zest 60 ml sauterne 1 extra egg white

Butter and sugar 6 150 mil dariole cake moulds. Whisk the egg yolks with half the sugar until light and thickened. Add the zests. Whisk in the olive oil and then the sauterne. Mix the flour and salt and gently fold into the egg yolk mix until just combined. Whisk the egg whites with the cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Gradually add the remaining sugar and beat until stiff. Fold gently into the base mix. Spoon into the prepared moulds. Bake in a 170 degree oven for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 150 degrees and continue cooking for a further 10 minutes. Turn the oven off and leave the cakes for 10 minutes before removing. Turn out and dust with icing sugar to serve.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Cakes and Other Fun Things

Jenny's Famous Whole Orange Cake

What a smash! and so easy to make! Take one whole orange.....

1 whole orange 1 cup sugar Icing

180g melted butter 1.5 cups SR flour 2.5 cups icing sugar grated rind of 1 orange

3 eggs

1 Tblspn melted butter Mascarpone cheese

Butter and lightly flour bundt tin and preheat the oven to 180_ C. Place the whole orange in a food processor and process until well pureed. Add the remaining ingredients and process until well mixed. Place the mixture in the cake tin and bake 30 - 45 minutes until cooked. Turn out onto a cake cooler and allow to cool. Icing Mix the icing sugar with the butter, orange rind, and enough marscapone cheese to make a consistency that can be poured over the cooled cake and run slowly down the sides. Scatter additional strips of orange peel over the top, and serve. It won't last long!

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor

Cakes and Other Fun Things

Orange and Poppyseed Cake

Dunk it in your coffee! These can be frozen - freeze one, eat one.

6 eggs rind 1.5 oranges 1 tspn baking powder

440g sugar 185 ml cream 1 dspn poppyseeds

1 tspn salt 340 g plain flour 125g unsalted butter, melted.

Preheat the oven to 180_ C. Butter 2 21cm x 7.5 cm bread tins and line with baking paper. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, sugar, salt, orange rind and cream for 5 minutes until light and fluffy. Stir in the flour and baking powder, and fold in the poppyseeds, followed by the butter. Divide the mixture between the tins and bake for 40 minutes or until the cakes spring back when touched. Allow to cool in the tins. Dust with icing sugar.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor


Cakes and Other Fun Things

Honey-iced Coffee Cake ( a cake from Debbie)

Debbie is a great cake cooker - much better than me. She can turn the simplest of recipes into the greatest of cakes. This cake is supposed to last for 3 days - it rarely lasts 3 hours.


2 Tbspns very strong black coffee 2 tspns vanilla 2 eggs 0.25 cup custard powder

125g butter 0.75 cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1 cup SR flour 0.33 cup milk 1 Tbspn very strong coffee 1 tspn vanilla

Honey Icing

30 g butter 1 tspn honey 1 cup icing sugar

Mix all ingredients until combined and then beat for 3 minutes. Place into tin and bake in mod oven for 40 minutes. Stand for 5 minutes and then turn out and cool. Ice when cold. Make the icing by melting the butter with the coffee. Add the honey, vanilla and half of the icing sugar. Gradually add the rest of the icing sugar until icing is of a soft spreadable consistency.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor


Cakes and Other Fun Things

Berry Muffins (La Cucina Italiana, December '95)

Left over cherries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants and strawberries? Especially from Xmas? Use them up in these yummy little cakes for morning tea. Serve with cream or mascarpone.

4 eggs, separated 1 cup sugar 2 Tblspn icing sugar for dusting

salt 1.5 cup SR flour

7 oz unsalted butter 250 g berries

Preheat the oven to 200 C. Butter and flour 6 - 8 muffin or tartlet molds. Beat the eggwhites with a pinch salt until soft peaks form. Whip the butter until it is light and creamy with 0.66 cup sugar. Add the egg yolks, beaten egg whites, remaining sugar and the flour, one at a time, and beating well in-between, until the ingredients are blended and the batter is smooth. Distribute half of the batter into the molds, and cover with the mixed berries. Bake for 25 minutes or until the cakes are set and the top is lightly golden. Serve them warm or cool, dusted with the icing sugar, with cream or marscapone and extra berries.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor


Cakes and Other Fun Things

Currant and Orange Muffins

1 cup currants 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk, buttermilk or mixture of milk and cream juice and grated zest of 2 oranges 2 eggs 2 cups plain flour 125 g unsalted butter 1 tspn baking powder 0.25 tspn salt

Beforehand: At least 1 hour before making, or the night before, if these muffins are for breakfast, soak the currants in the orange juice. At the time: Butter and lightly flour muffin tins and preheat the oven o 200 C. Cream the butter and sugar. Add the eggs one at a time and beat until incorporated. Mix the baking powder with the milk, buttermilk or milk and cream mixture. Fold the orange zest through the mixture with the currants and remaining orange juice. Spoon the mixture into the muffin tins. It makes about 12 muffins. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes until golden brown and firm to the touch. Stand muffins for 2 minutes before turning out. Cool, and serve.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor


Cakes and Other Fun Things

Chelsea Bun a la Yeast

Yeast Dough 225g plain flour 60g butter 1 egg, beaten 0.5 tspn salt Filling additional 60g butter grated lemon peel brandy or rum Glaze 25g castor sugar 0.5 tspn cinnamon 7 - 10g dried yeast 4 Tblspn milk 0.33 cup brown sugar 1.5 - 2 cup mixed dried fruit and peel 0.5 tspn cinnamon golden syrup or honey

Make a yeast dough. Roll the dough out to 30cm x 23cm oblong. Cream the additional butter and sugar and spread over the dough. Sprinkle on the fruit and cinnamon, and drizzle with a little brandy or rum. Roll up lengthwise, and cut into around 10 slices of 2.5cm each. Place in a greased tin, close together, and prove until double in size. Bake at 200 C for 25 - 30 minutes. Glaze.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor


Cakes and Other Fun Things

Lemon Loaf with Poppy Seeds

CAKE 2 eggs 1/2 cup milk SYRUP 1 cup water TO SERVE 125g butter zest of 1 lemon 1/4 cup poppy seeds juice of 1 lemon julienned zest of 2 oranges, 2 lemons and 2 limes OR 2 lemons, quartered whipped cream 1 cup caster sugar 1 cup raw sugar 1.5 cups SR flour, sifted

To make the cake: butter and flour a 25cm x 8cm loaf tin. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Cream the butter and sugar until light and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in the zest, flour, mild and poppy seeds and mix well. Spoon into the prepared tin and bake on the centre shelf of the oven for 30 minutes or until cooked when a skewer s inserted in the centre comes out clean. Turn the cake out onto a wire rack to cool. To make the syrup : combine the lemon juice, caster sugar and water in a small saucepan and stir, over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Add the julienned zests or quartered lemons and cook until soft and translucent. Drain the zest or lemon quarters and reserve the syrup. Spoon the syrup over the cake and pile the drained zest or quartered lemons on top. To serve: with whipped cream. 1096

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor


Cakes and Other Fun Things

Coffee-Date Muffins
1 cup dates chopped 1 ripe banana, mashed 2 eggs 1/2 t bicarbonate of soda Icing 2/3 cup strong, hot coffee 2/3 cup butter or margarine 1 1/2 cup plain flour 1/2 t salt 1/2 cup icing sugar 1 dspn coffee 1/2 t cinnamon 1 cup brown sugar 1 t baking powder

Combine dates, cinnamon, mashed banana and coffee, and stand 20 minutes to soften dates. Cream butter and sugar. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well in between. Add the date mixture. Sift the dry ingredients together and add to the date mixture. Stir just to moisten. Bake 180 degrees C for 20 minutes. Cool, and ice. This yields 9 - 10 large muffins.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor


Cakes and Other Fun Things

Chris Marlin and I searched for ages for the perfect Tira-Mi-Su recipe. We love this one, and we now know what to do with the egg whites.

5 egg yolks 500g marscapone cheese, or 250g ricotta blended well with 1 cup double cream 1/2 cup Marsala

4 egg whites *500g sponge fingers 1.5 cups strong black coffee

cocoa 5 heaped tablespoons sugar

Beat egg yolks with sugar until fluffy. Cream the cheese then add the egg yolks. Mix well. Beat the egg whites until stiff and then fold into the cheese mixture. Chill for 10 minutes or more. Dip sponge fingers into marsala and coffee mixture, place biscuits in a square dish and spoon some mixture over. Place another layer of biscuits on top, them more mixture. Continue in layers. Sprinkle cocoa on top. Refrigerate until ready to serve, at least 2 hours and preferably overnight.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor


Cakes and Other Fun Things

Chocolate puts any crisis into perspective.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. 2003. Created Tues Oct 8 09:52:54 CST 1996.

All recipes cooked in the kitchen of Jennifer Harvey.

Copyright 1996 - 2003 Jennifer Harvey Food_Matters. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited. Permission freely granted by contacting Food_Matters.

Subscribe to notification of changes to the Food_Matters internet site by emailing Food_Matters.

Jennifer Harvey. Food Matters. HREF="file:/// MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor


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