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Microsoft Excel 2010 Chapter 2: Formulas, Functions, and Formatting Assignment Sheet Assignment SAM Training SAM Pretest

Do this multiple times throughout the chapter. (P. EX 66-121) We will do this together in class. We will do this together in class using the evplay program (P. EX 122-123) Steps 1-7 only (P. EX 124-125) You can do this assignment, submit it, fix your errors, and submit a second time. Password is practice-complete this as many times as needed. Use this as a study guide for the concepts portion of the exam. SAM and Conceptsyou will take both during class. Monday February 10 Apply 2-1 Village of Scott Police Department Last Name_EX2_AYK Submit to my website Extend 2-1 State Wildlife Last Name_EX2_EYK Department Employee Ratings Submit to my website Download start file from Change the number 1 to SAM. a 2. Submit to SAM

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Due Date
Monday February 10 Monday February 10

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Monday February 10


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Monday February 10 Monday February 10 Monday February 10


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