Complete The Conditional Sentences (Type I) by Putting The Verbs Into The Correct Form. 30

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Test 8 odd NAME______________________________ DATE________________

POINTS-------- GRADE--------------------------Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I) by putting the verbs into the correct form. 30/ !. $. 3. If you(send) If I(do) If I(find) '. (eggy(go) ). ,. -. Simon(go) this letter no"# she(receive) this test# I(improve) your ring# I(give) shopping if she(have) to *ondon ne+t "ee& if he(get) today# she(leave) harder# they(pass / not) tomorro"# I(have to / not) to sleep if you("atch) my %nglish. it bac& to you. time in the afternoon. a cheap flight. him. the e+am. "ater the plants. this scary film. ready on time. it tomorro".

If her boyfriend(phone / not) If they(study / not) .. If it(rain) /. 0ou(be able/ not) !0. Susan(can / move / not)

into the ne" house if it(be / not)

!!. If you("ash) !$. If my dad(have) !3. 0ou(learn) !'. If the "eather(be / not) !). 2e(get / not)

the dishes# I(coo&) time ne+t "ee&# "e(paint)

dinner tonight. my room. the e+hibition. golf. the bus.

a lot about 1merican history if you(visit) too bad tomorro"# "e(play) there on time if "e(catch / not)

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II. !0/ If I(have) If she(study) If "e(&no") I(go) It(surprise) more time# I(learn) harder# she(get) to play the guitar. better mar&s. afraid of the test. here this "ee&. you.

more about history# "e(be / not) 3ogging "ith Tom and Sue if they (be) me if she(help / not)

$ Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate conditional form, Did you hear about that guy who won 180 million dollars in the lottery? If I (win money, I (!uit my "ob the next day# I (tra$el that much

around the world and (stay anything, I (buy it# If I (see

in the most luxurious hotels# If I (want a beautiful %ercedes that I wanted, I (buy and the hotel (be full, I (buy

it# If I wanted to stay in a beautiful hotel

the hotel and ma&e them gi$e me a room# I (can

do anything in the world if I had 180 million dollars ### 'h, I am starting to sound a little materialistic### (ell### I (do help, I (gi$e (gi$e good things with the money as well# If anybody (need money to charities# I

them some money to help them out# I (donate money to help support the arts# If I (win as many people as possible#

that much money, I wouldn)t &eep it

all for myself# I (help

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