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What do you think these are

Mit gondolsz, mik ezek?

look closely and guess what they could be...

Nzd meg kzelebbrl s talld ki, hogy mik lehetnek


Tollak rejtett kamerval, igaz?

Wrong$ Rossz vlasz

any wild guesses now?

!gyb vad tallgats?

ladies and gentle%en... congratulations$ you&'e (ust seen the )uture o) the la* to*.

"lgyeim s #raim grat#llok $nk most meglthatjk a jv la%to%jt

this will soon re*lace your PC.

!zek hamarosan helyettes&teni 'ogjk az n ()*jt

N+W SEE THIS... most nzzk meg ezt

In the re'olution o) %iniature co%*uters" the scientists are ahead with bluetooth technology...

+ mini kom%j,terek 'orradalmban, a t#d-sok elrehaladtak a .l#etooth te/hnol-gival

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