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Year 1 Worksheet Wednesday 1

CVRR questions are in red. Life Cycle questions are in pink. MIC/PPD Questions are in Green. Anatomy questions are in italics.

1. What is the difference between Shunt and Dead Space? 2. What are the four periods of maturation of the lungs? 3. What are the effects on the mother of breastfeeding? 4. What are the aims of the Community Placement? 5. What is the difference between fistula and atresia? 6. Which ribs are typical and which ribs are atypical? 7. What are the different forms of Spina Bifida and what is their clinical presentation? 8. During filtration of plasma, the filtrate passes through three layers. What are these three layers? 9. What is the difference in permeability between the descending limb and ascending limb of the Loop of Henle? 10. What is the major anatomical difference between the right and left kidneys? What is the clinical significance of this?

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