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Titles of Handbooks, Catalogues and Textbooks 1. 2. . (. *. .. /. 1. 2. 13. 11. 12. 1 . 1(. 1*. 1.. 1/. 11. 12. 23.

21. Advance Heat Transfer, John H. Lienhard IV Material Selection Deskbook !err"#s $he%ical &n'ineerin' Handbook !i)in' Handbook +ater ,-alit" and Treat%ent Advance Ther%od"na%ics, Des%ond &. +interborne ASM& 0oiler and !ress-re Vessel $ode, Section II, Materials 0-ried !i)e Desi'n Di%ensionin' and Tolerancin' Handbook &nviron%ental I%)act of !o4er 'eneration 5iber 6einforced !lastics 7lobal &nviron%ental $han'e Hand 0ook of !ol"eth"lene Handbook of Air8conditionin' and 6efri'eration HVA$ &9-ations, Data and 6-les of Th-%b Introd-ction to 5l-id Mechanics Li9-id !rocess !i)in' : &n'ineer#s Man-al, ;S Ar%" $or)s of en'ineers Machiner"#s Hand 0ook Marks# Standard Handbook of Mechanical &n'ineers !-%) Hand 0ook Trainin' Man-al of !lastic !i)in'

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