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Enseando aprenders Ensear es la mejor forma de aprender Quien olvida un error pasado est condenado a repetirlo

Llegas y mi cuerpo, fro como el hielo, hierve con cada beso que me das. Tengo ganas de desconectar. Irme con la msica a otra parte, subirle el volumen hasta aislarme y dejarme llevar por los pensamientos.

If someone makes you cry don't deserve your tears, 'cause someone who really deserve them, won't make you cry Someone who forgets a past mistake is condemned to do it again
What happened bet een us! "verything seemed perfect... Then it all changed

ou want me, show me! ou need me, tell me! I'm worth it, fight for me
We should be lovers and no just friends #ome on, just one more time It al ays ma$es me cry hen I reali%e that e ill never bu together

Love to ta$e minutes li$e these, moments of peace, and $eep them close. In this light, little to hide, here by my side, and so connected. &urreal ease, leisurely free, hushed and serene, head to toe. I #an't say hy I'm suddenly shy, humble and mild, so contented..

"espair means you don#t know why you#re fighting, $ut you#re still fighting %he strong ones are those, who laugh in tears, hide their sorrows and make you happy ou can#t look into the future smiling when your eyes are still filled with tears of the past &%hank you' I wanted to tell only it! I wonder when you would reali(e my heart! E)pecting I could $e with you forever

*ould you tell me you love my real self+ ,et me concern a$out you from now on too &"istiny'-+ I don#t want to $e $ound $y anything .ow can I come to $elieve in you-+ %he more precious the thing is, the more easily it is $roken Is a person like me allowed to love some$ody+ In fact, I was afraid of loneliness at anytime /ell!!! have I accomplished all to $e done In there anyone who considers from the $eginning himself to $e weak

El amor depara dos mximas adversidades de opuesto signo: amar a quien no nos ama y ser amados por quien no podemos amar. Alejandro Dolina

Las mujeres bonitas son las que sonren. Mi mam no sonre, a ve es llora. !e queda "rente a la #imenea omo on sue$o peque$ito. Mariposa negra. Me gusta la #imenea% el olor que se ae en el tapete #asta pintarlo de rojo. &', mam, tambi(n te pones roja despu(s de un rato de estar a#. &omas un vino que quema por dentro. Levantas la vo). *o me gustara ser omo t'. *o te ves bonita uando #ablas "uertes. *o te da pena despertar a los ngeles. Los ngeles se duermen en el alor. +a e "ro.

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